Archive: SQL Stuff!!

SQL Stuff!!
1. I need to know how to find out if the user has mysql 4.1 installed on there machine. If it is indeed installed then I do not want to show that section on the install, but if it isnt, then I would like to show that section as required.

2. I need to create a new database on the MYSQL server that was either just installed, or previously installed.

3. I need to execute 10 .SQL files that will affect the database that was just created. These files put in tables and values and such.

That is about it for now I belive, but I will post again later If I need something else. Im sorry if this sounded alittle upfront and demanding, but I have a headache and have been searching for a while.

Thanks in advance everybody!! :D


There are some database scripts here:,11


To find out if mySQL 1.4 is installed, you'd probably have to check in the user's registry using ReadRegStr
To hide a section set the sections text to "" using SectionSetText. You must also unselect that section using the UnselectSection macro in !include Sections.nsh


The link you gave me doesnt seem to deal with MYSQL, mainly with MS Access and MS SQL.


ONe of my programming friends told me about this command:

Exec C:\Program Files\MySQL\MySQL Server 4.1\bin\mysql.exe < "C:\Documents and Settings\Hess Smith\Desktop\SFR\installer\sam2\sql\tables.sql"

It doesnt work. Any ideas??

Exec only accepts one parameter. You're passing it 6. You need quotes around the whole lot:
Exec '"C:\Program Files\MySQL\MySQL Server 4.1\bin\mysql.exe" < "C:\Documents and Settings\Hess Smith\Desktop\SFR\installer\sam2\sql\tables.sql"'


OK that worked. The data didn't save I'm guessing because it didn't know what database to put it in. Now what I need is to depict what database (schema in Mysql Admin) it is to create that in. I dont know if I also need to say my database login details in their as well...but ya.

Later on in the process of making my installer I am going to have to make a custom page for them to enter their mysql login details and that kinda stuff.

Any and all help would be appreciated!
Thanks in advance,

Hess Smith