Archive: Display InstType Description

Display InstType Description
Searched, been through all the manual ... couldn't find it.

In the MUI, you CAN add a description that displays when the user hovers over a section.

Is there a way (that is, an already easy way that's part of MUI/NSIS in general and doesn't require a custom page) to display a description of the currently selected INSTTYPE?

For instance, we have 3 install types - one includes a full Oracle Installation and is called 'SERVER', one Installs everything but the Oracle Server and is called 'REMOTE'. One just installs shortcuts and some local supporting files, and is called 'CLIENT'. Since Users often refuse to read the fine manual, we'd like to explain it to them in the installer.

I realize that one solution is to make these InstTypes into Sections instead of InstTypes, but that does not suit our model.

Any suggestions?

Thanks! Doug

Maybe try to use Lobo Lunar's (Joelito) plugin - tooltips.
I never used him, but maybe help you.
Use function .onSelChange to detect which InstType selected by user (GetCurInstType instruction).
Use GetDlgItem to retrieve the handle of the dropdown list (but I don't known item_id - maybe cool member's help you with it).
And after that use plugin: apply tooltip for this droplist based on selected InstType.

Sorry my English.

Thanks Glory -

<<Sorry English>>

I'm sure your English is better than my attempt to speak your language.

I will hack around with those ideas today ... perhaps w/onSelChanged I can set the text of an existing caption or label.

Appreciate it.


It is possible to try to make two custom pages. One before Components page. On it make the description of all types. The second page after Components page with a warning caption (like ATTENTION!) about that what InstType has been chosen. If user wants to change InstType must be pressed BACK.

The second page to make bright to attract attention of the user.

Since Users often refuse to read the fine manual, we'd like to explain it to them in the installer.
So if user inattentive than let will pay attention.

Another good idea - Thanks Mr. Glory!