Archive: Inetload with title

Inetload with title
is it possible to apply some title to inetload popup ?
i mean something like: ....inetload /TITLE "my title goes here" /POPUP "url address......"
(/banner is not what i mean). i saw the post about 'msibanner' usage but it seems not be helpfull.
tks in advance.

Strings in the "detailed popup" mode are fixed in the current version. May be I'll do this later, this also solves multilang problem. But both "old NSISdl" (/TRANSLATE) and "banner" (2 string parameters) display modes are fully customizable.

If you want another fixed title for '/popup' dialog right now, you can simply change it's caption text in the VS resource editor (IDD_DIALOG1), comment line 599 in the InetLoad.cpp (SetWindowText() dynamicaly updates caption depending on the current download state) and rebuild InetLoad.dll (Release build). Should work.

thanks takhir, i'll give a try.