21st February 2005 16:00 UTC
Inetload with title
is it possible to apply some title to inetload popup ?
i mean something like: ....inetload /TITLE "my title goes here" /POPUP "url address......"
(/banner is not what i mean). i saw the post about 'msibanner' usage but it seems not be helpfull.
tks in advance.
21st February 2005 19:20 UTC
Strings in the "detailed popup" mode are fixed in the current version. May be I'll do this later, this also solves multilang problem. But both "old NSISdl" (/TRANSLATE) and "banner" (2 string parameters) display modes are fully customizable.
22nd February 2005 07:05 UTC
If you want another fixed title for '/popup' dialog right now, you can simply change it's caption text in the VS resource editor (IDD_DIALOG1), comment line 599 in the InetLoad.cpp (SetWindowText() dynamicaly updates caption depending on the current download state) and rebuild InetLoad.dll (Release build). Should work.
22nd February 2005 14:54 UTC
thanks takhir, i'll give a try.