27th February 2005 01:06 UTC
I have three things I would like help on:
1)I have a combo box on a custom page. I would like the Next button to be disabled until the user selects a value from the combobox either Yes No or I Dont Know... The users choice is stored in $installed.
2)I would like to display an extra button on everypage in the MUI. This button is a help button that will link to my installers .chm file which is copied to a temp directory in the .onInit Function.
3)I would like the next button to be disabled until the user has filled in all of the input boxes on a custom page.
If anybody has any ideas, it would be great!
27th February 2005 03:06 UTC
1 & 3:
-disable next button using settings in ini file
-add the notify flag for all controls that need user interaction, check values in leave func for page and enable next button if needed with GetDlgItem and EnableWindow functions
2: you probably need to create a plugin and do some subclassing
27th February 2005 04:19 UTC
I'll look into that!
28th February 2005 17:57 UTC
for #2 i can't remember if my help support plugin was able to do it or not (i know i was going to add support for it but really can't remember off hand if i did it or not)
24th June 2005 11:06 UTC
Originally posted by Anders
1 & 3:
-disable next button using settings in ini file
But how?
I found
but neither
are working!
Afrow UK
24th June 2005 19:44 UTC
You need to disable it with SendMesage in NSIS code unfortunately. Strange how they haven't added NextEnabled attribute to bog-standard InstallOptions.
GetDlgItem $R0 $HWNDPARENT 1
EnableWindow $R0 0
Use this at the top of the page's creation function.
Then in the page's leave function, use EnableWindow $R0 1 to re-enable button.