Archive: Fourth ExecWait hangs system

The same problem with ExecWait

Originally posted by mnavarro
The installer of our procuct uses nsExec::Exec and it always have worked fine. But recently one of our clients is experiencing some problems with our installer: it hangs. We suspected the problem was related with nsExec and we made a little installer that just calls "nsExec:Exec notepad.exe". In our machines this installer works fine but in client's machine it also hangs.

Client's machine has a Windows 2000 Advanced Server in Chinese with SP4. We have tried it in a Windows 2000 Advanced Server in Spanish with SP4 and it works fine

Have you ever heard about nsExec problems like this?

I have a similar problem that I can't resolve for a week. My install script makes four subsequent ExecWait calls and on my desktop the last hangs up Windows in a very strange way - I can switch between applications, but I can't use exlorer, can't kill setup from task manager, can't start any new application. The only way to make system work is to reboot. I don't know whether this caused by incorrect external applications that I call or by ExecWait but seems that they both since I've tried to change the order of calls and the system hangs up on the fourth ExecWait call again.
Any ideas how to understand why?

Split from Problems with nsExec::Exec. The other thread is talking about just the installer hanging, not the entire system.

Can you add some details on the programs you're trying to execute?

I've found the same problem. nsExec::Exec hangs sometimes on some long processes. An example of this is in my NSIS Self-Extractor kit with Zip-To-SE or Dir-To-SE. Sometimes they hang when calling makensis.exe. makensis completes, but nsExec doesn't realise, and keeps waiting... forever!
Note that this is with ::Exec not ::ExecToLog. I haven't tried with ExecToLog.


Afrow, he's talking about ExecWait. That's why I split it from the original nsExec thread. If you have a reproducable problem with nsExec, open another thread about it with all of the details.