Archive: NullSoft Installer Maximum File Size

NullSoft Installer Maximum File Size
Is there a limit to what files can be included (compressed) in the installer exe ? I am trying to create an installer to install a file that is less than 10 GB.

I tried splitting the file ... but no luck ...

Is this possible ?

Thanks in advance.

Split it up with HJSplit:

You could then use the HJSplit freeware DOS program to join it back together after extraction (using nsExec::Exec):

I think files on Win9x have a 2gB limit.



I do have a split utility. The problem occurs when compiling the script. This occurs when it is generating the exe.

I tried partitions 1 gb large, 0.5 gb, 0.1 gb, etc ...


You can't currently compile installers that large. The limit is 2GB. You can include the files as external files. You can have the files compressed and uncompress them using one of the many plug-ins available for this purpose.

Thanks, thats a great idea.

Where can I find an example of this ?

If you use 7z to compress the files, you'd need to include the 7za command-line utility with your installer, extract it on run-time and then execute it with nsExec::Exec
Use the Banner plugin or just DetailPrint (in a Section) to display an 'extracting message' or if you wish, use nsExec::ExecToLog, and 7za's output will be in the installation progress window.
I recommend 7z (LZMA) from
