Archive: How U Copy "all" the text in a file

How U Copy "all" the text in a file
I need to copy all the lines of text in many files with other names
[Note] the #of lines is known.

Please help.
This is what i have so far.
Function resfiles
ReadINIStr $R8 "$PLUGINSDIR\main.ini" "Field 12" "State"
ReadINIStr $R8 "$PLUGINSDIR\main.ini" "Field 4" "State"
ReadINIStr $R7 "$PLUGINSDIR\main.ini" "Field 14" "State"
FileOpen $R5 "ResFileInput.txt" r
FileRead $R5 $R6
FileClose $R5
Push "$R8\$R7.txt" # output file
Push "*.bsp" # filter
Push "$R8" # folder to search in
Exch $R0 #path
Exch $R1 #filter
Exch 2
Exch $R2 #output file
Exch 2
Push $R3
Push $R4
Push $R5
FindFirst $R3 $R4 "$R0\$R1"
IfErrors Done4
StrCpy $R4 $R4 -4
DetailPrint "Found Map: $R4"
DetailPrint "Created $R4.res"
StrCpy $R4 "$R8\$R4.res"
FileOpen $R5 $R4 w
FileWrite $R5 '"resources"$\r$\n{$\r$\n$R6$\r$\n}'
FileClose $R5
FindNext $R3 $R4
Goto Loop4

FileClose $R5
FindClose $R3

According to your script, it looks like you're trying to copy everything in one file into many other files. If that's what you're trying to do, there's no need to use FileOpen, FileRead, FileWrite and FileClose. Simply use CopyFiles to copy the entire file.

ok i will try that

ok, not wroking for me, can someone give example code