7th March 2005 12:42 UTC
escaping quotes
Hi - I'm having issues escaping quotes in my script.
I have a fairly complicated string which needs the quotes escaped at some point.
MessageBox MB_OK "$R1\Binn\osql.exe -Uxxx -Pxxx -S $R2\bluezinc -Q $5 RESTORE DATABASE tmBase FROM DISK ='C:\Train.bak' WITH PASSWORD ='xxx', REPLACE, RECOVERY, MOVE 'tmTrain_dat' TO '$R3\Data\tmBase.mdf', MOVE 'tmTrain_log' TO '$R3\Data\tmBaseLog.ldf'$5 -o $4\patches.log"
I have marked as $5, the point where i need the escaped (double) quotes to go.
I hope someone might be able to help or suggest a better alternative,
thanks, chris
7th March 2005 14:17 UTC
I think you need the $/" as an escaped "
so from your example
MessageBox MB_OK "$R1\Binn\osql.exe -Uxxx -Pxxx -S $R2\bluezinc -Q $\"RESTORE DATABASE tmBase FROM DISK ='C:\Train.bak' WITH PASSWORD ='xxx', REPLACE, RECOVERY, MOVE 'tmTrain_dat' TO '$R3\Data\tmBase.mdf', MOVE 'tmTrain_log' TO '$R3\Data\tmBaseLog.ldf'$\"
7th March 2005 14:29 UTC
thanks sfranklin - i had been trying that for ages but it wasn't working - think my SciTe syntax highlighting wasn't helping.... you did miss a quote of the end, but I am abundantly happy :).
Many thanks again, chris
7th March 2005 17:19 UTC
not a problem, though your right i did miss a quote