Archive: Help with 3 items

Help with 3 items
ok, guys im a n00b at this, I just switched over from inno since i found that NSIS has a LOT more functionality for my purposes (to patch msn messesenger for skinning purposes). Anyway i was hoping that you ppl can assist me, the help would be greatly appreciated.

here are the 2 things i need help with:
1. How do i change the text to read what I want (take a look at the attached image)

2. Can sumone give me an example of how to use the "InstallDirRegKey"

3. How do I have an image to the left of my installer ('Addbranding' image or sumthin like that), a working example would be very nice.

thank you

1. Use BrandingText (# in the manual).
2. InstallDirRegKey HKLM "Software\MSN Messenger Skinning" "" will replace the default installation directory with the directory found in the default value of the key HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\MSN Messenger Skinning.
3. Read the Modern UI readme.