Archive: Can NSIS handle files > 2 GB? Shortcuts?

Can NSIS handle files > 2 GB? Shortcuts?
Hi. I'm working on a software package (music synthesizer) for Windows, and we are currently using Vise as an installer. Vise has some real shortcomings, and we've heard good things about NSIS, so we think we will switch to NSIS. We need to make 100% sure NSIS will work before we invest the time to switch, so we have two questions:

1) Our package, compressed, is about 4 GB (includes a _huge_ data file) and is delivered on a DVD. A single file is 3 GB. Can NSIS support files > 2 GB?

2) Our users frequently install thru shortcuts for installation. In other words, the customer will have (already existing) a directory path like:
C:\Program Files\Music\PlugIns\Delays
where the "PlugIns" folder is a shortcut TO A FOLDER ON ANOTHER VOLUME. Can NSIS install into (through) shortcuts like that?

Thanks in advance for any help,

As far as I've heard (quite recently actually) is that NSIS supports a maximum of 2gB. This is because of Win9x has a file size limit of 2gB.

As for shortcuts, you'd have to find it's target (there's likely an API call which will do the trick which can be called with the System plugin).


For shortcuts use should use IShellLink interface (->GetPath()), might be better to write a short plug-in (or search archive :) ), this is not a big problem.
BTW NSIS supports not only single-file distribution, but multi-files mode as well. You can put many files to DVD - this also should work faster. Decompression support presents.