Archive: Marquee plug-in

Marquee plug-in
Result looks like <marquee> tag on the html page, scrolling text. I thought about some animation on the INSTFILES page during long installs (but may be used with other pages as well), attached plug-in is one of possible ways. Text length to be displayed may be big enough, limited by NSIS 'stringsize' parameter, 1024 and 8096 bytes for common and special NSIS builds. 14 parameters define text, font and scroll. The only big limitation I see now - horizontal scroll only (both directions), "Star Wars" introduction panoramic text not implemented yet :) (requires more time). Idea was also discussed in this thread

May I implement this to IOEx :D? I mean, its a lot easier to work on a control when someone else already started the work :cool:.

No problem, it's yours ;)

2 new parameters - right text limit (not center position) and border rectangle (optional :) ).

'/once' option was replaced with '/scrolls=cnt', where 0 (default) is non-stop mode, positive values define how many times user will see scrolling text (if page will not be closed earlier :) ).
Text alignment is more safe now - '/top=100' aligns text to client area bottom (plug-in shifts target rectangle up using calculated text height value), '/top=0' - top alignment with additional little shift down if '/border' defined.

New options: border width, color and spacer between border and text clipping rectangle. Archive page now available,32

2 little updates: a bit safer on Abort/Quit (no problems with previous versions, but now it's even safer :) ) and faster redraw (usefull on INSTFILES page when processor load is up to 100%). zipped dll size 3 kB.

2 new options:
bi-directional movement (/swing)
start position inside 'marquee' rectangle (left, right, center) - mainly for /step=0 static text mode.
Updated wiki page

2 new options:
GCOL - sets background color for drawing rectangle, default is rect left top point color.
HWND - window handle to paint on. Default is current installer page.
wiki page