File Read & Write
I have development an installer with custom files. users responses are stored in the $PLUGINSDIR\FileName.ini.
As one of the requirements, I need to write out a general user respone file (ie:\ for silent installs, for configurator components, etc ... ).
I do this, and it works fine until the temporary file of $PLUGINSDIR\FileName.ini has been modified with WriteINIStr.
So, I can open the response
FileOpen $FileHandle "$INSTDIR\ResponseFile.xml" w
FileWrite $FileHandle "Response Value"
FileClose $FileHandle
but as soon as I try to read the value from the updated '$PLUGINSDIR\FileName.ini' with
ReadINIStr $TEMP_VAR $PLUGINSDIR\FileName.ini "Field 4" ListItems
The installer throws a file create error for $INSTDIR\ResponseFile.xml. If I do not update the screen references by '$ScreenFile', then no problem..
Any idea how I can do this ?