Archive: Move to the top of details view

Move to the top of details view
Using DetailPrint I wrote for example 20 string. After execution detail window shows the last strnig at the bottom.
I try to send some messages (LVM_SETHOTITEM, LVM_SETSCROLLPOS, LVM_ENSUREVISIBLE) but failed.
What I must do to move scrolling of detail view to the top?
And how to select string (item) of detail window?

I understand this: You want to auto-scroll the detail or log window, after printing your strings, to the first one?


Is this contol listbox or listview? And if it is listview - what mode does it work in (list or report)?

It's a Report SysListView32


It's very strange.
I asked our programmer to create a little project in MFC with listview and button. We tried to send LVM_ENSUREVISIBLE into control. And all worked - after button was pressed listview scrolled to the top.

Maybe developers can help me?

What's the NSIS script equivalent you've tried?

!define LVM_ENSUREVISIBLE 0x1013

Section "bla"
...bla-bla ...
... DetailPrint many times ....

FindWindow $0 "#32770" "" $HWNDPARENT
StrCpy $1 $0
GetDlgItem $0 $1 0x3F8
SendMessage $0 ${LVM_ENSUREVISIBLE} 0 0

When "Completed" is printed, it goes back down. Put the code on the leave function of the instfiles page.

Thanks kichik. You are right as usual.