Archive: Help!: Need to add a custom dialog like IO and StartMenu

Help!: Need to add a custom dialog like IO and StartMenu
I'm creating a dialog from my plugin and I need to attach it like InstallOptions or StartMenu does it...
My problem is not the display, is that I can't see the buttons "cancel" nor "continue" from nsis parent dialog...
can anyone help me on this?

"GetWindowRect(hWndParent, &dialog_r);" is pointing to the parent window handle. You have to get the handle of the child window (ID: 1018) first and then use it as the window handle for the GetWindowRect.

I'll try that :)

in good road
Ok, I viewed the souce codes from InstallOptions and StartMenu and you right, deguix... I missed the dimensions of the child dialog...

At this moment, my dialog is showed and the NSIS' cancel and next buttons are visible, but they are grayed-out..

Attaching my new code....

Better, but...
Thanks to Kichik for pointed me to the right path, my only problem now is the <install> buttons doesn't show instfiles page...

Attaching updated code :)

I think this may be wrong in your plugin:

               if (wParam == NOTIFY_BYE_BYE)
PostMessage(hWnd, WM_CLOSE, 0, 0);
In this case, the new window (hWnd) will only be removed if the installation is being cancelled. So that means, there must be also a problem when you go back pages. Maybe this will work for you:

PostMessage(hWnd, WM_CLOSE, 0, 0);

Thanks again deguix :up: :D

That did the trick...