17th March 2005 11:24 UTC
NSIS installer / uninstaller marked as Adware by Symantec
Since I scanned my computer today
Symantec Corporate Anti-Virus recognized NSIS installers / uninstallers as Adware.BargainBuddy
It recoginzes an own installer as well as the installer for the newest catalyst drivers as Adware :-(
More Info the the adware:
17th March 2005 18:04 UTC
Are you using the latest definition files?
17th March 2005 18:10 UTC
Yes, they are autmatically updated through the company network.
It doesn't show this message last thursday.
17th March 2005 18:43 UTC
It's really a shame that Symantec is sooo stupid to not have a whitelist or any other kind of quality control to even add a well known and often used installer als Adware to their definitions...
17th March 2005 20:37 UTC
I couldn't find any page on their website to report this. Please use their quarantine program to send the "infected" installer to them along with an explanation that it's false positive. Feel free to give them my e-mail address in case they need more information about anything related to NSIS.
17th March 2005 20:48 UTC
Ok, I'll do this tomorrow.