Archive: Keep Alive Uninstaller InstFiles Page

Keep Alive Uninstaller InstFiles Page
This is an awesome program and support forum!

When running my installer, the

command allows me to view the files that were installed.

However, when running the uninstaller, the

command WILL NOT allow me to view the files that were uninstalled.

Could someone look at my code and see where I've missed it here?

Thanks in Advance!

Updated: Deleted old attachment

You inserted the define in a wrong place. It must be defined above all page macros.

Interface settings should be set before inserting page macros. Page interface settings apply to all pages of a certain type.

Originally posted by kichik
You inserted the define in a wrong place. It must be defined above all page macros.
Thanks for the quick reply!
The unistall still flies through the page I would like it stop on though.

Updated: Deleted old attachment

Remove `SetAutoClose true` from the uninstall section.

Originally posted by kichik
Remove `SetAutoClose true` from the uninstall section.
That did it!

Thanks a million!