Archive: Silent Install Question...

Silent Install Question...
Hello all.

I am in the process of adding Silent Install support to my installer. I added some functions to allow me to pass the parameter: /COMPS= to my installer. I have 3 sections (for each component), so /COMPS=1 would just install the first section where as /COMPS=12 would do the first two. This works just fine. However if I leave out the /COMPS= parameter or don't set a value for it, the installer runs through, but skips all the sections, which is also fine.

Here is my question: I have the below code in place, but when running the installer in Silent mode, with no components selected (/COMPS=), the message box below does not pop up. I would expect that I would have to deal with this message box with either the IfSilent or /SD commands. I even tried putting a dummy messagebox at the start of the ComponentsLeave function, but it does not come up either. Is this function omitted during a silent install?



Function ComponentsLeave
SectionGetFlags "${SEC01}" $0
StrCmp $0 1 End
SectionGetFlags "${SEC02}" $0
StrCmp $0 1 End
SectionGetFlags "${SEC03}" $0
StrCmp $0 1 End
MessageBox MB_OK|MB_ICONINFORMATION "You must select at least one component."

I noticed this behavior in my DirectoryLeave function too. I'm thinking since these functions are designed to stop the user, and prompt them to make a correction, they must cause a full abort during a silent install since there is no one there to make the correction, and you would have an infinite loop if a full abort as not called. Am I correct?

Are you unchecking all sections then if /COMPS == "" or if /COMPS is ommited? Because sections are always checked as default...


Afrow UK, thanks for the reply. My sections are set to /O, so by default they are all unchecked.

Then after i get the value for the /COMPS parameter, i run this function:

Function SectionSet
StrCmp $2 1 0 +3
SectionSetFlags "${SEC01}" 1
Goto End
StrCmp $2 2 0 +3
SectionSetFlags "${SEC02}" 1
Goto End
StrCmp $2 3 0 +3
SectionSetFlags "${SEC03}" 1
Goto End
StrCmp $2 12 0 +4
SectionSetFlags "${SEC01}" 1
SectionSetFlags "${SEC02}" 1
Goto End
StrCmp $2 13 0 +4
SectionSetFlags "${SEC01}" 1
SectionSetFlags "${SEC03}" 1
Goto End
StrCmp $2 23 0 +4
SectionSetFlags "${SEC02}" 1
SectionSetFlags "${SEC03}" 1
Goto End
StrCmp $2 123 0 +4
SectionSetFlags "${SEC01}" 1
SectionSetFlags "${SEC02}" 1
SectionSetFlags "${SEC03}" 1

That's not a very effecient way of doing it, say if they use /COMPS=321...

StrCpy $1 $2 1 -1 #get a num
StrCpy $2 $2 -1 #remove it
StrCmp $1 "" Done
StrCmp $1 1 0 +2
SectionSetFlags "${SEC01}" 1
StrCmp $1 2 0 +2
SectionSetFlags "${SEC02}" 1
StrCmp $1 3 0 +2
SectionSetFlags "${SEC03}" 1
Goto Loop

Perhaps with NSIS set to silent, all sections are forced to be selected...
Try unchecking them all again before using the above code.
SectionSetFlags "${SEC01}" 0
SectionSetFlags "${SEC02}" 0
SectionSetFlags "${SEC03}" 0


Well what i'm finding is that if i run my installer from the command line: Installer.exe /S /COMPS=

The log says:
Skipping section: "1"
Skipping section: "2"
Skipping section: "3"

Which is what i would expect with /COMPS=. But why does the Message box below not pop up?

Function ComponentsLeave
SectionGetFlags "${SEC01}" $0
StrCmp $0 1 End
SectionGetFlags "${SEC02}" $0
StrCmp $0 1 End
SectionGetFlags "${SEC03}" $0
StrCmp $0 1 End
MessageBox MB_OK|MB_ICONINFORMATION "You must select at least one component."

Oh wait, of course. No page functions are executed on a silent install!
Just put that code into a seperate function, ie Function checkSections, and call that function from both ComponentsLeave and .onInit
Call it in .onInit with IfSilent.


Originally posted by Afrow UK
Oh wait, of course. No page functions are executed on a silent install!-Stu
That makes sense, but i'm finding that my DirectoryLeave function below is called when silent...guess I will just have to play with it i bit more.


Thanks for you help.

That's impossible, or at least, shouldn't happen. The only place the leave function is called is inside the main dialog's message handler. The dialog isn't even created on silent installation. If it's reproducible, attach a minimal script reproducing this behavior.

Originally posted by kichik
That's impossible, or at least, shouldn't happen. The only place the leave function is called is inside the main dialog's message handler. The dialog isn't even created on silent installation. If it's reproducible, attach a minimal script reproducing this behavior.
You are correct, I must have been losing it yesterday. Neither of those leave functions are called when installer is silent. Thanks for your time.