Archive: nsWeb: A plugin for display a web browser control? YES!

nsWeb: A plugin for display a web browser control? YES!
First I'd like to thank Kichik and deguix for push me a little on the developing of the source code (soon included).

This is my plugin for showing the web browser control (IE) in a custom page...

See the attached file...

Comment it, please?

Is not beta, but also not official...

I think you mean or not nor in the readme :)
nor would mean url or not file. But good job on the rest (I know English isn't your first language).

Just tried it, works very bloody well! I will definately use it for my MapUpdater app thingy :D


lol, can't type correctly :D

One more hitch and will be ready to be published :D

This is what I was wanting for some time. Looking foward for the source code :p... I'll have a time testing your plugin later.

some mistakes in the examples of your plugin:
the classic ui uses this code:

File /oname=$PLUGINSDIR\nsWeb.dll nsWeb.dll

won't work, because i copied the dll into plugins directory.
also, it's not necessary, because of the plugin structure of nsis. nsis will automatically include and extract all used plugins.

so, this code from the modern ui example is also useless:
File /oname=$PLUGINSDIR\nsWeb.dll ${NSISDIR}\Plugins\nsWeb.dll

even if you'd use this, you never refer to $pluginsdir\nsweb.dll
nsWeb::CreateInPage ""

this is the new style.
the old plugin code style (with needed manual extraction) looks like this:
CallInstDll $pluginsdir\nsWeb.dll CreateInPage ...

@Comm@nder21: Dude, those are examples... you do the rest ;)

Well, he does have a point. The examples will make it that tiny bit harder for new people than necessary :p

Edit: Nvm, you've updated them already :)


Official release before uploading
One step more to be officially "official" :p:

- Update the nsWeb - Classic UI.nsi (Tip from Comm@nder21)

Comments from non-XP...?

We've got ourself a new ActiveX / ATL wizard in town.
I just tried out your plugin and it's f**** great! I was thinking of making such a plugin myself for a long while. That though started after I took a look on the example in the Platforms SDK for embedding the HTML Editor (which is a WebBrowser control instantiated a bit differently) thorugh the ActiveX control interfaces, but decided to drop the whole idea as I'm not up for coding ATL/ActiveX stuff.

Thanks for releaving me of the pain of doing this myself.
I'm also looking forward for the source code. I'm very interested in learning more about ActiveX and ATL.

First: Thanks for the comments, saivert :D
Second: The source code will included in the final ZIP and will be uploaded in my server (if I don't get reports of bugs.. I'll be uploading tomorrow morning plus its own Web Archive site :))
Third: I'n not using ATL ;)

Not using ATL, huh??
So you must be cracking it the hard way then. Raw Win32 API power and ActiveX OLE interfaces, right??

It's late night here in Norway so I better get some sleep...

Last update, for now ;) :

- Rename functions.
- Add ShowHTMLInPage.- Display plain HTML text in a custom page dialog

So...last update... if everything is alright, I'll uploaded later...

The plugin is uploaded... :)

Its own Web Archive.
The new server is updating itself... but is up :up:

well, attached a zip file with complete nsis file structure, and so easier to install:


I'd like to keep it like I uploaded.... :)
After all, this isn't my first plugin ;)

Thanks dude...

Instead of arguing about how to package your plugin why not end the discussion and make an NSIS installer for it.

Good idea, saivert! :idea: Done! :D