Archive: NSIS Wiki

I have created a new Wiki for NSIS. It is meant to replace the Archive. The Archive is great and has served us well, but it has a few problems and no one to fix them. The Wiki also provides many new features such as revision control, public editing and page watch.

As the main page says, there is still some work ahead, especially moving all of the content from the Archive. I'd also want to create some kind of redirection from the Archive to the Wiki, so it's not just a matter of copying all of the content.

Anyway, the first step is getting the Wiki up and running, and that's done :)


That's cool :)
May I ask please how they got it to change the standard query from ? to / ?
Ie. index.php/Main_Page


I don't know, it came that way.

This page explains how to remove index.php too, but I didn't get to it yet.

theres a module available for php, called mod_rewrite, i think this is behind the / syntax.

btw: could you port the user-database from the archive to the wiki, so we don't have to re-register? :)

Ok, I passed pages from the Archive to the Wiki successfully using the bot ConversionBot, and of course, with changes (entering Wiki spirit heheh). You can register there and update your pages, but you'll see that there are still things to be done and fixed, like graphics, file upload issues and help pages. Features like pages list for every user will be implemented later.

Any problems with pages (i.e. pages deletion), and/or you want changes to be hidden (and some other things that I don't remember now) contact administrators that have sysop rights, other problems you should contact kichik. Any feature requests, bug reports... should be posted here.

It is with great pleasure that I announce the Wiki is ready for prime time. Archive content was copied, Archive redirection is in place, uploads work, new skin was created and index.php was removed from the URL.

We have lots of backups of the Archvie content, so don't worry if something was not copied correctly. Just let us know about it.

I would like the thank deguix for helping me setting up the new Wiki. He did pretty much everything.

I noticed that user's profile pages don't have a list of contributions like the old Archive. Can this be added?


There is a contribution page for every user (example). However, you won't find your Archive contribution there because deguix's ConversionBot has created them on the Wiki and not your user. If you want, you can create a list of pages created by you in your user page. It's very common in Wikipedia. In addition to that list, you can put some information about yourself in that page.

( wiki main page have IMHO bad navigation. Special pages-> and too long list from which it is need to find. For what those links: What links here, Related changes, Random page, Help, Current events, Community portal? Many archive pages are outdated. Where is my ""???

But it looks good

The categories are there for browsing, and are linked from the main page. These categories are a copy of the directories that were on the Archive.

What links here, related changes and random page are simply useful Wiki links. MediaWiki supplies them by default. Current events and community portal might get content some day.

Outdated pages can be easily resynced. Lets wait for deguix's comment on this.

I updated all pages to their most recent versions before the change "Archive->Wiki". All pages were changed by me in someway. Is it for format, scripts or etc.. If you think one of my changes weren't good, you can change them back to your way without problems, that is what a wiki is for. :)

Or maybe your comment was linked with the Archive not to exist anymore, which means, you're talking about that Archive had more outdated pages comparing to the current wiki.

You just need to explain in which meaning you focused your comment.

Where is my ""???
The Archive doesn't exist anymore. All links now redirect to their respective pages on wiki, so old links will still work correctly on older threads. The wiki has advantages like accepting the editions from anyone (which can be restricted depending on case), and also having a simpler page sintax. Another reason: contrary to Archive, it is updated as the MediaWiki software is updated, so bugs will be lesser harmful and features can be implemented more easily.

I noticed that user's profile pages don't have a list of contributions like the old Archive. Can this be added?
There is a contribution page for every user (example). However, you won't find your Archive contribution there because deguix's ConversionBot has created them on the Wiki and not your user. If you want, you can create a list of pages created by you in your user page. It's very common in Wikipedia. In addition to that list, you can put some information about yourself in that page.
I could use my bot to produce this type of list from time to time. This was the thing I was thinking since the wiki started but I didn't have enough time to create the code for it. Maybe now with my vacation things can change.

Also, I was trying to create a more advanced way to categorize pages, instead of just by type. See this page:
In the example, I was trying to put, for example, the programming language to appear at the "C" category ("C++" cannot be used because of the "+" symbols, they are accepted in place of spaces :(). As the category pages don't exist yet, this has not much of effect (I need to put text in the category page in order to load the category normally). With this, for example, you could categorize all pages that are supported for one OS.

You can see the TODO list for the bot in this page:

+ signs in text will be sent as %X in query strings so you just need to convert all "+" to " ", and then convert all %X to normal characters.
This is very easy in Perl, but I'm not so sure how to do it in PHP. Actually, I thought PHP handles this for you?

Edit: Nearly forgot to say. Very nice work deguix!
Edit #2: Just one thing, is there links to the sections (e.g. Browse, Download etc. I can't seem to find any (apart from going to a Random Page first). Or am I just blind!
Edit #3: The NSIS logo at the top has an error in the link URL.

-Stu :)

+ signs in text will be sent as %X in query strings so you just need to convert all "+" to " ", and then convert all %X to normal characters.
This is very easy in Perl, but I'm not so sure how to do it in PHP. Actually, I thought PHP handles this for you?
There is an article on explaining that:

Just one thing, is there links to the sections (e.g. Browse, Download etc. I can't seem to find any (apart from going to a Random Page first). Or am I just blind!
There is no download section, but there is a Special Pages -> File List section where you can choose a file you want to download. Also, I want to focus that the wiki also saves the old versions of the files, just like what happen on pages. (except if you want me to delete them...)

The NSIS logo at the top has an error in the link URL.
EDIT: Fixed by kichik.

Great work, really nice! Have not even put my MoreInfo plugin there myself and still the infowiki is detailed and good, perfect. :-))

1. Those function have in the old archive other call syntax without Push Pop (maybe functions from other authors have conversion problem too): (DriveSpace instead)

2. Anybody can edit wiki archive page!

2. Anybody can edit wiki archive page!
I think that's the idea.


Sorry Instructor, I don't know what I did but I just kept updating only your functions, thx. In the old Archive, it was difficult to know which things were changed. I'll re-update them.

EDIT: Done.

Probably there are more of those pages because of the timing between the offline and online databases when I finished developing the bot. If your page was not updated properly, post here or on my discussion page:

I know this because a lot Instructor's pages were updated at a point in time, and this point was when the latest changes page was packed with updated pages in a week.

I think that's the idea.
:) I wanted to ask why anybody can edit wiki archive page?

In the old Archive, it was difficult to know which things were changed.
Sorry, I didn't known.

A wiki saves all changes, so you can revert incorrect changes of others in the rare case this would happen.

The old archive did not save any changes, so the only way to keep it correct was to limit editing to the page author.

"you can create a list of pages created by you in your user page. It's very common in Wikipedia."----kichik

I think this is the cool thing in wiki.

So to contribute, you go into the category, then click on Discussion right? Now where do I type the page title in?
Probably a stupid question, but couldn't find out even on the help page.

Edit: Ok, so you click on +, and is that the right box to type it in? Don't like this system as much as the old one :/


Wow, the page is actually the article content, so you should click in "article" and not "discussion" as you were clicking. The "discussion" page only contains the comments for a page.

EDIT: But yeah, there is no tutorial for contributions... I'll need to create one. Sorry about this...

EDIT 2: Never thought you'd be watching the topic like this...

I've got no Article button here.


Ok, I think you missunderstand. I want to create a new article, not view an existing one. Blimey, I'm not that retarded.

-Stu :p

For now:
1) Go to the page with the title you want, by typing the page title to the search box, on the left side of the page, and clicking "Go" to continue.
2) If the page exists, skip to step 3. But if not, it searches for pages that contain the phrase you typed. To continue, on the message that says:

You searched for "Page Title" [Index]
Click "Page Title". This will go to this empty page.
3) Then, you can click "edit" to start contributing.

Yay finally. Thanks.


Created my profile. Took a good 2 hours!

I agree, much better to be able to make it yourself.


It still says "NSIS Archive pages" in your sig... :(

Please remove my article named 'CharToAscii' from the wiki. Now there is a better way to do the same, explained in the wiki article 'Asc', so there is no need for CharToAscii anymore.

It would be usefull to have a direct link to the wiki administrator right in the wiki. This way organisation would become easier.


The wiki page is working strangely
I changed my profile preferences like language & skin, but it didn't work very well and I changed old options back, but now the skin and language change randomly while browsing the wike pages. :tinfoil:

There is no need to delete pages because there might be a better solution. Simply put a link to the better solution. Your solution might be useful to someone after all...

Why would you need a link to an administrator? Aside from banning and deleting you can do pretty much whatever you want.

Aaron, SourceForge's servers are built in a cluster. Even though we used their recommended session files location, it's still acting up, as you've noticed. Each sever sees a different version of the session and they're not synchronized. I've tried moving the sessions to the database in the past, but couldn't find any information about it. Today I've got a better lead, so it just might finally work.

I take that back. The sessions are working perfectly fine. All of this data is already saved in the database. Moving the sessions did solve the previous problems of having to login multiple time, getting blank pages and having to save multiple times until it really saves. Uploaded files are also located in there, and they're working fine as well. It must be some kind of caching, although I must admit a cache that holds up for a couple of months is very strange...

The correct data is written to the database when setting the preferences. It's even taken into affect once in a while. All I can suggest is to keep reloading.