Archive: Makensis on freebsd working?

Makensis on freebsd working?
Hi everyone,

Just a quick question as I'm caught in the mud.

Can anyone confirm that they managed to make makensis run under freebsd?

I'm not sure whether I should give up on making it work and move to a linux based machine instead or whether its worth spending more time trying to make it work :)



I got it to run on the freebsd machine provided by SourceForge's compile farm. It'll be easier to help you get it done if you provide details about what exactly doesn't work.


I've simply been unable to build it and getting it to run. I'm in no way expert on bsd-systems though and I might be doing something terribly wrong.

However -- I have had a couple of guys familar with bsd systems looking at it as well and they have also been out of luck.

Maybe its simply the documentation thats too implicit regarding pre-requisites etc. for any of us to have any luck with it. (or maybe we are simply too stupid :-) (which probably is more likely).

Have no problems getting it working on linux based systems. We might just compile it on linux and then run it in linux compatibility mode on the bsd box :)

Anyway - I just wondered if anyone else managed to build it on bsd :)


If you attach the output of the build process, I might be able to help.