30th March 2005 15:38 UTC
Cannot add files with long file path
My installer fails to add the following directory:
I've checked: this path is less that MAX_PATH (255) so it is rather strange. Having this directory deleted, everything is OK. Maybe NSIS has its own path length restrictions?
30th March 2005 15:44 UTC
You could be right with NSIS having its own length restrictions, i have noticed that on many products etc....
31st March 2005 18:52 UTC
What's the exact error message you get?
1st April 2005 08:52 UTC
File: Descending to: "..\..\..\..\..\CMS_Setup_ThirdPartyBin\JBossSources\server\default\deploy\http-invoker.sar\invoker.war\WEB-INF\classes\org\jboss\invocation\http\servlet\"
File: failed opening file "..\..\..\..\..\CMS_Setup_ThirdPartyBin\JBossSources\server\default\deploy\http-invoker.sar\invoker.war\WEB-INF\classes\org\jboss\invocation\http\servlet\InvokerServlet.class"
Error in script "E:\script\install\<skipped>\NSI\installer.nsi" on line 347 -- aborting creation process
1st April 2005 11:04 UTC
I could only reproduce this error message with long paths that are longer than MAX_PATH. Are you sure the file is not in use or that another process is locking it? Have you tried using !cd first and then including the file with a shorter path? Why do you think it is a problem with the path length?
1st April 2005 12:07 UTC
It seems that it is because the file path mentioned and path to nsi-file itself summary longer that MAX_PATH. I calculated only relative path, but didn't took into account the path to nsi.
25th March 2013 17:20 UTC
Trying Windows Explorer or FAR to resolve path too long problem? Check out latest Long Path Tool http://LongPathTool.com