Archive: License - a newbie question...

License - a newbie question...
Hi to all
First of all you have a great app there!!! It solved me a great problem.
I am using the NSIS installer in order to pack a presentation made up of separate files, I am not modyfing the installer source code or making any change to it , just the usual - customization that your app enables. My question is regarding the written license.
I understand that:
"3. This notice may not be removed or altered from any source distribution.", however I followed the some examples like Picasa and others and they did not attach any part of the license you gave with the source code.

If I am using and distributing my presentation - should I leave your license next to my copyright notice on the installer, or can I leave it out (I have some very legal-concerned clients....).
Thank you
Koomkoom Multimedia

as you are using nsis to create an installer, you don't need to put the license there.
this license just has to be delieverd with any SOURCE DISTRIBUTION, that means, if you use nsis source-code in your own program (e.g. the compiler) or distribute the compiler.