Archive: Newbie Q: Why doesn't my installer install files?

Newbie Q: Why doesn't my installer install files?
Hi All.

I'm migrating from the bug-ridden InstallerVISE v3.51 to NSIS.

I've got a basic installer working, in the sense that the script has no errors, and it seems to run nicely. Only problem is -- the files are never installed!!!

Building the script shows that all the files I ask it to install are compressed, and my installer is 270381 bytes out of a total of 1328042 bytes.

Running on XP as an administrator.

When running the installer, I can see that it appears to decompress all the files, but the screen goes by so quickly that I can't see much more of that.

So, where do I look / how do I debug this problem?



OK, I figured it out -- I was missing SetOutPath in my sections.


I miss InstallerVISE's drag-and-drop ability to add files, and also its Build Directives and Build Targets (I was using both, x15 each, in a very complex installer).

However, its bugs (esp. w/regard to including archives) got to be too much, and so I'm switching to NSIS based on an exhaustive recommendation.

So far, I'm quite happy. Will take time to learn all the tricks.


Just keep asking questions as they come, and use the search feature too :)
