Archive: using ExecWait to run .msi to install software

using ExecWait to run .msi to install software
I can not get ExecWait to run sucessfully "postgresql-8.0-int.msi". any idea why how to do it?

ExecWait 'msiexec /i "$INSTDIR\postgresql-8.0-int.msi" /qn'

/qn - means silent install, you can remove this parameter

An MSI file is not an actual executable file. It is basically just a data file that tells Windows installer (MSIEXEC.EXE) what to do.

Therefore, to use Exec and wait, you'll probably want to call the actual EXE (MSIEXEC) and pass the MSI file to it as a parameter. Something like this:

ExecWait "'C:\path_to\msiexec.exe' /i postgresql-8.0-int.msi"

Full details about the usage of MSIEXEC can be found at

thanks for the reply, but I tried this command:
ExecWait 'msiexec /i "C:\postgresql-8.0.msi"'
and it jumps to the next line right when the setup windows for postgres pops up, it doesn't wait. any ideas why?

Thanks - it helped me too
Thanks, this worked like a charm for me too.:D :D :D

Difficult with installing as service.
i could run the msi, but I have to install postgre as service, and it asks me for password. Can i put a password in silent mode? If yes, is there an easiest way then finding the window, then finding the item...