Archive: EclipseNSIS

For those of you who use both Eclipse and NSIS, this one's for you.
EclipseNSIS is a plugin for the Eclipse platform which enables editing,
compiling and testing Nullsoft Installer (NSIS) scripts.

Please feel free to try it out. I would love to get more feedback from actual users.
Also, if anyone is interested, I am looking for help:[list=1][*]Designing a cool logo and other graphics.[*]Testing it on Windows 98SE and Windows ME.[*]Translatiing it to other languages. It currently only supports US English.[/list=1]

It is still in pre-alpha state. I don't plan to move it to alpha until I finish the InstallOptions GUI.
It is not intended to replace any other NSIS GUI you may be using, but is simply meant to be a supplement to those who already work with the Eclipse platform.

Cool! I will try it tomorrow :)


how to translate? just downloaded both bin&src, but couldn't find anything..

I will PM a spreadsheet. Is Excel OK? What format do you prefer?

i don't have any office software.. how about html? :)

I will figure out something, but it will take a couple of days. My daughter fell ill and is my first priority now.

Code folding for SectionGroup inside SectionGroup not worked (SectionGroup 34 in following example).

SectionGroup 12
Section 23

SectionGroup 34
Section 33

Section 333

Maybe this is Eclipse bug. Or this is normal?

Nope this is a bug- I didn't realize that SectionGroups could be nested. I will fix it in the next release (should be out in the next week or so).
However, the correct place place to file bug reports is

Is Eclipse 3.1 supported?

Actually the next release will require Eclipse 3.1.
The release of Eclipse 3.1 has delayed my release, because of changes which have required me to port a lot of code from 3.0 to 3.1. On the plus side, 3.1 provides functionality which I had to previously code by hand, so I decided the upgrade was worth it.
I still plan on getting the release out by July 11th.

This is wonderful! I have all my other code in Eclipse, so this will be a logical extension!


I'd love to see Outline view take !include directives into consideration.

I'd love to see Outline view take !include directives into consideration.
Oops, sorry- it was too late for me to put it in the current release. Perhaps in the next one.

Announce: EclipseNSIS 0.9.0 released
EclipseNSIS 0.9.0 is now available for download.
See the EclipseNSIS home page for details.
Also released is the EclipseNSIS InstallOptions Editor 0.9.0 for creating and editing InstallOptions scripts. This is an optional download and requires GEF 3.0 or better.
Both plugins require Eclipse 3.1.

Java developers may also be interested in the EclipseNSIS Utilities package which includes utilities for generating JNI header files and for digitally signing JAR files.

As always, I am looking for any and all bugs you may find. These may be entered in the EclipseNSIS project SourceForge Bug tracker. Feature Requests may also be entered.

0.9.x releases contain only 2 jars, it's not recognized as a feature/plugin at startup, where are all those xml files?
is this not a self-contained release?

The XML files are in the JAR archives. It's a new format supported by Eclipse 3.1.

As mentioned in my earlier post, both plugins require Eclipse 3.1.

This is really a great development environment for NSIS.

I have one small problem. Looking at your screenshots, it uses the stadard monospaced text font. But on my system it has a small non-monospaced font, while the Eclipse text editor font is just fine. Any idea what could be causing this problem?

Maybe it would also be a good idea to make the default syntax highlighting colors look a bit more similar to the standard XML/HTML colors. Those colors are a bit darker and easier to read.

I have one small problem. Looking at your screenshots, it uses the stadard monospaced text font. But on my system it has a small non-monospaced font, while the Eclipse text editor font is just fine. Any idea what could be causing this problem?
I don't quite understand what you mean?

Maybe it would also be a good idea to make the default syntax highlighting colors look a bit more similar to the standard XML/HTML colors. Those colors are a bit darker and easier to read.
I would welcome any suggestion you may have.
Of course, using the preferences page you can customize the colors as you wish.

I mean the font of the script source editor. On your screenshot ( it looks fine (standard Text Editor font), but on my system it uses the font that is used in the Outline view instead of the Text Editor font.

OK, I understand. I will fix it in the next service release (0.9.2) which should be out within a week or so.

Well... one thing led to another and a week became a month.
However, EclipseNSIS 0.9.2 and EclipseNSIS InstallOptions Editor 0.9.2 are both available now.
See the EclipseNSIS home page for details.



EclipseNSIS InstallOptions Editor
Please note that even though EclipseNSIS once again supports Windows 98 SE and Windows ME, Eclipse 3.1 tends to crash a lot on those platforms.
Hence, use of these platforms is discouraged for EclipseNSIS.

I was hoping to get a hierarchical treeview of !included files in outline, current implementation is not really useful.

Note, I'm not an Eclipse advocate, haven't used it for any Java development, but fiddled with the CDT plugin. What I'd like to see is something similar to Project View of CDT.

I don't know if you'll ever implement a Project View for NSIS or even a NSIS Perspective, but before that I ponder over obtaining a hierarchical structure in Outline View (it *should* be possible because C structures are shown in treeview in Outline View of CDT).

Basically, when I click an !include directive in Outline I'd like the corresponding file opened in editor. Also a plus sign should appear next to it, so that I could see its Outline view when expanded. As you build the tree of !include'd files, don't forget to parse !addincludedir directives in sources as well. Thanks

I know this is not trivial, but if you do it, I believe your work will stand out from the rest.

Add this to the feature request list in the SourceForge page.
But I can tell you right off the bat that this is not something that is going to come soon.
I have had it in on my to-do list, but before I look at it, I plan to rewrite my NSIS parser and object model so that:
a) I can optimize the processing of document changes.
b) Support advanced features of the kind you suggest.
Bear in mind that I do this in my spare time- I do have a "real" job which pays the bills so that I can afford to do this one for free.

can you please specify what files to download from ?

i downloaded, and .
when i try to complile my script nothing happens. i press the complile button, the button becomes grey and... thats all.


you of course need nsis itself installed :)
and you need to configure eclipse nsis so it knows the nsis path.

of course! :)
i have nsis 2.09.
in eclipsensis preferences i have "c:\program files\nsis". nsis is in that folder.

any ideas ?

PS. i have installed j2re 5.0 update 4. do i need j2se ?

No, J2RE should be fine.
Which OS are you using?

i am using windows xp sp2 + all updates.
nsis 2.09
eclipse 3.1 and GEF ( and
j2re 5.0 update4

thanks for helping,

Hmmm... I have tested that configuration and it should work.
Some things to try:
1) Uninstall the plugins and reinstall using the update site:
2) Check the .log file in the your workspace .metadata folder and see if it is reporting any errors.
3) Run eclipse from the command line and specify -vm <path to java>\java.exe (This will print to the console any errors which are not reported in the .log file.

i downloaded (again) eclipse, downloaded GEF and eclipsensis from updates (as you said).
the log does not contain any errors.
runned eclipse from console with specified parameter and nothing appears in the cosole.
i hit the compile/compile and run buttons and nothing happens.

i really do not understand.


Does Eclipse hang or is it just the button going gray?
Also, could you check via task manager whether the MakeNSIS process has been started?
If you get Process Explorer, you can get the exact command line used to execute MakeNSIS.
Next, check whether a hidden window of window class "Hidden EclipseNSIS Window" has been created. You can check this using Microsoft Visual Studio Spy++ or WinSpy++ .
What is the full path name of your Eclipse installation and what is the full path name of your script file?
Did you install the standard NSIS 2.09 distribution or some other one?
Did you accept the default installation type or did you change something in it? (I mean the installation types you see when you run the NSIS 2.09 installer).
I, too, really don't understand what is going on... hundreds of people have downloaded the plugin and not reported a problem like this.

ok. here i go...

eclipse does not hang, but the compile button (after i press it) becomes grey and remains grey. if i minimize/restore eclipse it is enabled again.
in process explorer - only once makensis appeared. the first time i opened a script after installed eclipsensis. is was there only for a second. after that - nothing. the nsis installation is detected because if i change the path (in eclipsensis configuration), i get an error message.
in winspy - yes, there is a hidden window of window class "Hidden EclipseNSIS Window". what should i do with it ? :)

full path of eclipse "c:\program files\eclipse". also tried "C:\eclipse"
full path to my script - not relevant. i tried from root dir and does not work.

nsis - standard version and standard install.

thanks for all the patience.

The brief run of MakeNSIS means that EclipseNSIS is verifying the compiler version.
The fact that the button is reactivated when you minimize and maximize Eclipse means that MakeNSIS has been run successfully. Something seems to be going wrong while processing its results.
The hidden window is used by MakeNSIS to communicate with EclipseNSIS. If it is being created, try manually compiling the script using MakeNSIS and pass the /NOTIFYHWND HWND argument where HWND is the handle number of the hidden window in decimal format and see if the script compiles OK.
Does the EclipseNSIS console view display?
If not, can you open it using the views menu and see if any output is shown in it?
I'm sorry but I really don't understand what could be going wrong.
Are there any special permissions involved- e.g., are you not an admin on the computer.
Does this problem occur with every script or just one script?
If it is just one script can you PM it to me?

I have the same problem.

If you compile an independent script without opening a NSIS script from the workspace, the script won't compile. At this time, the "EclipseNSIS Console" window doesn't open. It also doesn't output anything, neither if you have the window open or closed.

After the first time you open a NSIS script from the workspace, any NSIS script can be compiled normally, including independent NSIS scripts...

If you close all documents, and open an independent NSIS script, then the same problem happens again.

EDIT: The "Code Folding" feature doesn't work as well. It only works for scripts in the workspace.

yes, thank you. this was the problem. reproduced.
all i had to do was to create a "new project" in my working folder. it works fine now.

thanks for all the help.


Ah, that explains it.

This is not an EclipseNSIS bug. Eclipse does not provide access to all the cool editing features (folding, problem markers, etc.) for files which are not in an Eclipse project. Hence you will not see these features available when you open an external file in Eclipse. (It is the same for any Eclipse editor- check out the Java editor).

Similarly, EclipseNSIS reads and writes certain attributes in a file which is compiled or edited using EclipseNSIS. However, because of the limitations of Eclipse, these attributes can only be set for files which are part of an Eclipse project. Hence, the normal compile and test functions of EclipseNSIS will not work for an external file. The file HAS to be part of an Eclipse project for EclipseNSIS to function properly.

I am surprised that you are able to compile an external (independent) NSIS script since EclipseNSIS does not support this- it will not compile a file which is not in the Eclipse workspace- the currently released code simply will NOT do it.

The next version of EclipseNSIS may support this- however you still will not get code folding or problem markers, etc.- Eclipse just doesn't provide these features for external files (I would have to rewrite most of the Eclipse editor from scratch- which is just not worth the time since it is much easier for the user to just create a new project).

I cannot fold/unfold using keyboard i.e. ctrl numpad+ - *
(These are defined as expand/collapse key shortcuts in General prefs page).
I see fold marks but they respond to mouse only.
Am I missing sth here?

File a bug report & I will look into it for the next release.

EclipseNSIS 0.9.3 and EclipseNSIS InstallOptions Editor 0.9.3 are both available for download now.
See the EclipseNSIS home page for details.



EclipseNSIS InstallOptions Editor
I was mistaken when I earlier said that Eclipse does not support annotations and folding for external files. While it is true that Eclipse does not support these features by default, it does provide the tools to build support for them. The result- most of the functionality for both EclipseNSIS and InstallOptions editor is avaialable for both external as well as internal (workspace) files. What is not available (obviously) is storing and retrieving custom compilation options for external files. This is only available for workspace files. External files will use the global compilation options set using the EclipseNSIS Preferences page.

As always, I am looking for any and all bugs you may find. These may be entered in the EclipseNSIS project SourceForge Bug tracker. Feature requests may also be entered.

Archive: EclipseNSIS

I have several .nsh files !include'd, and happened to press Alt-C while editing one of them. Naturally the build failed and an error line popped up in Problems View.
And it's stuck, it does not go away, even if I compile the main .nsi successfully. How do I get rid of such dangling entries in Problems View? Is this view not cleared before every compile?

Good question. Let me check and see.

edit: now that I've spent a few more minutes thinking about it, there are plenty of situations where you would want the EclipseNSIS script generator to create an uninstall section, even for sections that are purely function-based. And I think it would take many thousands of more minutes to code logic for this issue than it would to just manually edit the generated template... and that time could better be spent on pretty much anything else that would be much more worthwhile. So I withdraw my post.

I'd also like to add a huge thank you to all that are involved in the eclipseNSIS project, as well as everyone who has spent any time working on and improving NSIS, the WIKI, the documentation, the examples, the included contributions, etc. It is very much appreciated by many, including myself.

One thing I noticed was that (maybe I'm wrong) when building a new install file from a template, EclipseNSIS does not allow me to create a section that does not install any files. By this I mean, I have a section or two that just does file manipulations. Download updates, perform version checks, etc etc etc. But I have to insert a dummy file for each section so that EclipseNSIS lets me continue with the template.

Optimally, I'd prefer to somehow mark that section as "performs function operations", so I didn't have to tell it to install the dummy file. That, and if a section only performed functions, to not have it generate an uninstaller section for those particular sections.

It's very a minor thing, but I thought I'd bring it up anyway.

Unfortunately there is no easy way to clear the markers from your nsh file. What you can do is clear all the markers for the project it belongs to. To do this, navigate to:
<Workspace>\.metadata\.plugins\org.eclipse.core.resources\.projects\<your project> and delete the .markers file.
The next release will be fixed so that compile/test menus and shortcuts will ONLY be enabled for nsi files- not nsh files.

I understand what you are saying- however, creating sections which are not going to actually install something are beyond the scope of the Wizard- and frankly it would be kind of pointless as well. All you would really gain is avoiding having to type two lines ("Section" and "SectionEnd"). You should use the wizard to generate the base script and then customize it with all the bells and whistles you need.
Perhaps you could use the code templates to be able to quickly insert sections instead?
Also, thanks for the kind words. EclipseNSIS is something I created as much for myself as for the Eclipse/NSIS community. it was a personal itch I just had to scratch :-).

i noticed that EclipseNSIS isnt recognizing my self built MakeNSIS.exe (built with visualstudio toolkit and platformsdk from cvs source - 8th oct. 05).
it wants me to choose an other path ...

I upgraded to the latest EclipseNSIS, but it also fails to detect a plain nightly build of NSIS and displays that NSIS 2.0 or later is required.

this is exactly what i mean, joost.
i think, the version detection of eclipse nsis can't handle the cvs version string.

Do you have EclipseNSIS 0.9.3 installed?
I also use the CVS build version and it is recognized without a problem.
How does your CVS build report its version?
Mine says v07-Oct-2005.cvs

I just downloaded the latest nightly build and tried that as well. This also works.
Support for non-release builds (i.e., CVS builds and nightly builds) was added in EclipseNSIS 0.9.1 and I have tested it on Windows XP, Windows 2000, Windows NT, Windows ME and Windows 98 without any problems.
What do you get when you type makensis /version?

If I just download a nighly build (makensis /version works as expected) and try to set it as NSIS Home it shows me 'Invalid NSIS Home, MakeNSIS 2.0 required'. This is a new issue after upgrading to EclipseNSIS 0.9.3. Version 0.9.2 worked fine.

Strange. There is no significant difference in the version validation code between 0.9.3 and 0.9.2.
Can you check in the .log file if any error is being recorded?
If not, I may create a special debug build for you to use (and generate a log).
[edit]Has anything else changed on your end? Java VM, MakeNSIS path, MakeNSIS exe name, etc.?[/edit]

The log file is also available from the menus at Window > Show View > Error Log. No need to dig into your workspace.

iceman_k, I usually add this view as a fast view to my perspective, especially in development versions. It's very unobtrusive, but still very useful.

I keep it docked with my other views. You can also configure the view to automatically activate upon new entries- also a useful feature.
The problem with this view, however, is that if your log has been rotated, you may miss some information. So while I use it, I prefer to dig into my workspace .metadata on occasion.

I was actually talking about the perspective you define for EclipseNSIS in plugin.xml, though in this case you'd need a perspectiveExtension. It's easier to get the information from the users this way.

Since you are monitoring this thread, are you seeing the same issue as Joost & Comm@nder21? Specifically- EclipseNSIS 0.9.3 does not accept CVS builds for the NSIS home.
Like I said, I have tried it on several OS's without a problem. The only possible thing I can think of is that it has something to do with the localization settings on the user's PC- though I feel that I have accounted for that as well.
Perhaps I will create a fragment build which logs the actions performed during version validation and distribute via this forum. The other option is remote debugging- but the performance on that is poor even with 2 computers right next to each other in the network- let alone on different continents!

I'm only monitoring this thread because it's interesting. I don't have enough free space to install Java :)

OK. :)
Then is anyone else out there experiencing this problem with EclipseNSIS 0.9.3?
Anyone in North America?
(Maybe it's a European thing).

the error log gives the following (interesting) information:

java.text.ParseException: Unparseable date: "07-Oct-2005"
at java.text.DateFormat.parse(Unknown Source)
at net.sf.eclipsensis.util.NSISValidator.getNSISVersion(
at net.sf.eclipsensis.util.NSISValidator.findNSISExe(
at net.sf.eclipsensis.util.NSISValidator.validateNSISHome(
at net.sf.eclipsensis.dialogs.NSISPreferencePage$4.widgetSelected(
at org.eclipse.swt.widgets.TypedListener.handleEvent(
at org.eclipse.swt.widgets.EventTable.sendEvent(
at org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Widget.sendEvent(
at org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Display.runDeferredEvents(
at org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Display.readAndDispatch(
at org.eclipse.jface.window.Window.runEventLoop(
at org.eclipse.ui.actions.ActionDelegate.runWithEvent(
at org.eclipse.ui.internal.PluginAction.runWithEvent(
at org.eclipse.jface.action.ActionContributionItem.handleWidgetSelection(
at org.eclipse.jface.action.ActionContributionItem.access$2(
at org.eclipse.jface.action.ActionContributionItem$5.handleEvent(
at org.eclipse.swt.widgets.EventTable.sendEvent(
at org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Widget.sendEvent(
at org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Display.runDeferredEvents(
at org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Display.readAndDispatch(
at org.eclipse.ui.internal.Workbench.runEventLoop(
at org.eclipse.ui.internal.Workbench.runUI(
at org.eclipse.ui.internal.Workbench.createAndRunWorkbench(
at org.eclipse.ui.PlatformUI.createAndRunWorkbench(
at org.eclipse.core.internal.runtime.PlatformActivator$
at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Unknown Source)
at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Unknown Source)
at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Unknown Source)
at org.eclipse.core.launcher.Main.invokeFramework(
at org.eclipse.core.launcher.Main.basicRun(
at org.eclipse.core.launcher.Main.main(
i think this should give you an idea how to fix it :)

Perfect. This is what I needed.

OK, I was able to reproduce this problem. As I suspected, it was because of a localization issue. I will issue a patch fragment which will fix this problem.
What mystifies me is that this apparently worked in 0.9.1 and 0.9.2- even though the validation code has essentially not changed (the only difference was to log errors to the log file instead of the console).
Update: When Scons builds MakeNSIS.exe, it sets the version thus:

cvs_version = strftime('%d-%b-%Y.cvs', gmtime())

i.e., it uses the localized version of the month name. However, if you download the nightly build from the NSIS web site, the month name is in english- which may not match your locale. This causes the EclipseNSIS date parsing to fail- since it expects a localized version number.
Hence, I will modify the code to account for english as well as localized version numbers. In the meantime, if you rebuild MakeNSIS.exe on your local PC, EclipseNSIS should accept it.

hurry with the fix, eclipsensis is my main developing platform for nsis script files :)

I do have a fix ready. However it is too big (about 1.6 MB) to upload to this forum or to the Sourceforge Patch tracker.
I can email it to you or upload to an FTP site, if you wish.

The EclipseNSIS 0.9.3 hotfix can be downloaded from here.

Instructions[list=1][*]Quit Eclipse.[*]Backup eclipse\plugins\net.sf.eclipsensis_0.9.3.jar[*]Download file from URL above.[*]Unzip into eclipse\plugins folder, overwriting net.sf.eclipsensis_0.9.3.jar[*]Restart Eclipse.[/list=1]

Let me know if this doesn't work for you.

Looks like that download link requires a password.

Oops. The password:


(case sensitive)

works, thanx!


is there a way to 'fold on open' in eclipse ?
i searched for this option but could not find it.


What do you mean by "fold on open"? Do you mean that all foldable code sections should be folded by default?

yes, thats what i mean.
sorry for my english.


Sorry, that is not currently supported by EclipseNSIS.
You can make a feature request if you like.

thanks for helping, i will

Thanks for your plugins.

How to show EclipseNSIS InstallOptions Editor ?, because when i right click Open With There no EclipseNSIS Editor. So i Can not see InstallOptions Editor. I Still use TextEditor. :confused: and when i take a look on icon. That icon using "ini configuration"

i can compile nsi file from eclipse :up:.


andy susanto

Originally posted by o_owd

is there a way to 'fold on open' in eclipse ?
i searched for this option but could not find it.
Just following up on this- the functionality you desire is not currently available in Eclipse 3.1.
It will be available when Eclipse 3.2 is released- probably Q2 2006.
At that time EclipseNSIS will support it as well.

Originally posted by ibsolution
How to show EclipseNSIS InstallOptions Editor ?, because when i right click Open With There no EclipseNSIS Editor. So i Can not see InstallOptions Editor. I Still use TextEditor. :confused: and when i take a look on icon. That icon using "ini configuration"
You need to install GEF.
It should be available through the Eclipse Updates utility.


i try to update my GEF 3.1.1 and my eclipse 3.1
but i still can not use InstallOptions Editor. what would be happen ?

Check the error log and see if there are any error messages.
You can view the error log by opening Window->Show View->Error Log
The .ini file extension should be automatically associated with the InstallOptions editor- i.e., double-clicking on an ini file should open it using the InstallOptions editor.
Another thing to check would be the feature status.
Help->Software Updates->Manage Configuration
Select EclipseNSIS InstallOptions Editor 0.9.3 and click on the Show Properties hyperlink. This will bring up a dialog where you can check the feature status.

EclipseNSIS 0.9.4 and EclipseNSIS InstallOptions Editor 0.9.4 released
EclipseNSIS 0.9.4 and EclipseNSIS InstallOptions Editor 0.9.4 are both available for download now.
See the EclipseNSIS home page for details.



  • Java 6.0 (Mustang) can be used as the runtime environment- however it will not be officially supported until it is released.
  • Refactored EclipseNSIS console to use standard Eclipse console functionality.
  • Added support for NSIS scripts as External Tool launch configurations.
  • Added support for NSIS scripts as external builders.
  • Added NSIS update functionality - manual as well as automated.
  • EclipseNSIS editor scroll tip now moves with scroll bar.
  • SubSection/SubSectionEnd supported even when deprecated (NSIS 2.05 and above).
  • Clicking on a NSIS file link in EclipseNSIS help or NSIS Users Manual view now opens the file in Eclipse instead of an external editor.
  • Added support for nightly CVS builds.
  • Added support for SHCTX registry root key in EclipseNSIS Script Wizard.
  • Added error markers and tooltips in EclipseNSIS Script Wizard Contents page.
  • Added new command to clear problem markers.
  • Enhanced F3 hover help- now provides more detail as well as hyperlinks.
  • Fixed usage of template editor dialog.
  • Added functions to import registry keys/files into NSIS script.
  • Bug fixes:
    o 1387272
  • Feature Requests:
    o 1358177
    o 1358185
    o 1374835
    o 1380236
  • Other minor bug fixes.

EclipseNSIS InstallOptions Editor
  • Fixed GroupBox transparency.
  • Preview can now also handle external files.
  • Improved clipboard handling.
  • ComboBox/Droplist now shows the dropdown only when it is the primary selection.
  • Fixed improper handling of spaces in lists separated by '|', e.g. in Flags and ListItems fields.
  • Better management of Dialog sizes.
  • Other minor bug fixes.

The EclipseNSIS console has been refactored to use the standard Eclipse console. This has resulted in a significant performance boost while compiling.
The new NSIS update feature enables you to check for, download and install the latest NSIS software from within EclipseNSIS, either on demand or on a scheduled basis.
You can now configure NSIS scripts as launch configurations. What this means is that a set of compilation options for a NSIS script can be saved as an External Tool launch configuration with Eclipse. This way multiple configurations can be saved for the same script and can be accessed easily through the External Tools menu or toolbar item. Additionally, NSIS script can be saved as project builders, and can be configured to run when the project is built.

As always, I am looking for any and all bugs you may find. These may be entered in the EclipseNSIS project SourceForge Bug tracker. Feature requests may also be entered.

EclipseNSIS 0.9.4 HOTFIX
EclipseNSIS 0.9.4 HOTFIX
For whatever reasons, the way in which NSIS reports its version number was changed in NSIS 2.15.
This prevents EclipseNSIS from detecting that a valid version of NSIS is installed.
As a workaround, a hotfix JAR file is being provided on an interim basis. The hotfix can be downloaded from .
Please note that that the hotfix DOES NOT support new syntactical elements in NSIS 2.15- specifically the new !if command and the modification to the !define command.
Other than that, it should work just fine.

Installation Instructions:
1. Close any running instances of Eclipse.
2. In Windows Explorer, navigate to the Eclipse plugins folder.
3. Backup the net.sf.eclipsensis_0.9.4.jar file.
4. Copy the net.sf.eclipsensis_0.9.4.jar file in the hotfix to the Eclipse plugins folder, overwriting the old version.
5. Restart Eclipse. The new version of NSIS should now be accepted.

Re: EclipseNSIS 0.9.4 HOTFIX

Originally posted by iceman_k
For whatever reasons, the way in which NSIS reports its version number was changed in NSIS 2.15.
The "v" prefix was accidentally removed. It'll be back for 2.16.

Well, from now on EclipseNSIS will support with or without the "v" prefix. :)

Archive: EclipseNSIS

thanx, works great :)

what about adding user vars to the outline window? :)

Maybe in the next version?

why not :)

Re: EclipseNSIS 0.9.4 HOTFIX

Originally posted by iceman_k
EclipseNSIS 0.9.4 HOTFIX

Installation Instructions:
1. Close any running instances of Eclipse.
2. In Windows Explorer, navigate to the Eclipse plugins folder.
3. Backup the net.sf.eclipsensis_0.9.4.jar file.
4. Copy the net.sf.eclipsensis_0.9.4.jar file in the hotfix to the Eclipse plugins folder, overwriting the old version.
5. Restart Eclipse. The new version of NSIS should now be accepted.
I did it, but when I try to configure NSIS, I have "Invalid NSIS home. MakeNSIS v2.0 or better is required."
I the only in this case?

Check the timestamp of eclipse\plugins\net.sf.eclipsensis_0.9.4.jar
It should be dated March 6th.
Several others have applied this hotfix successfully.
You may have missed a step somewhere.

I don't understand.
I use Eclipse 3.1.2, your plugin 0.9.4, this afternoon, I downloaded two times net.sf.eclipsensis_0.9.4.jar from 2 different mirrors, the timestamp of the jar is dated March 6th (and in the jar, NSISValidator.class too), but always the same problem, I don't know where is my mistake...

I did a flashback (??? sorry, I'm french with a bad english, how you say in english when you install an old version?) and now it's ok, too tired to search.

Couple of things to try:
a) Start eclipse with -clean option (this clears the configuration cache).
b) Verify that Eclipse is indeed pointing to the correct plugins location, i.e. that there isn't a second plugins location with the old 0.9.4 jar. One way to do this: start Eclipse, access EclipseNSIS and then try to delete net.sf.eclipsensis_0.9.4.jar. If it lets you delete it, that means it is picking up the older version from somewhere else.

One more question- are you using the standard or the French version of NSIS?

Thanks, it's ok now.
But I have lost all my nsis plugin with the flashback and reinstall nsis 2.15 :igor: (never forget a backup...)

Just out of curiosity, what was the problem?

I tried to delete net.sf.eclipsensis_0.9.4.jar during EclipseNSIS used, and I was able to do it.
So, I started eclipse with '-clean' and copy the new jar, and all was ok.
Your advices were perfect.

Invalid NSIS Home

I was using EclipseNSIS succesfully last week - nothing on my PC has changed, however today when starting eclipse (or attempting to create a new NSIS script) I am prompted to configure NSIS and configure the path to MakeNSIS.exe - I've tried but I get the error:

'Invalid NSIS Home'

I have tried uninstalling everything and re-installing (with a clean eclipse startup), but it still doesn't work.

I have the most recent EclipseNSIS plugin from the update manager ( and have obtained and installed the most recent NSIS install (nsis-2.15-setup.exe)..

Any suggestions?


Dan Humphrey

..the hotfix did the trick.

Great Product and Great Support!!

Dan Humphrey

ok for the last hour i've been trying to get this to work

i got the eclipsensis to work after installing the hotfix, but the installtoptions just won't show up in the plugins, i have tried redownloading from several mirrors but it simply will not work.

i'm getting frustrated here and i hope someone can help me.

What do you mean by "installtoptions just won't show up in the plugins"? Is it that you cannot use it to open INI files or it doesn't show up in the plugins list in the Help->About menu?
Some things to try:
a) Make sure you have installed GEF 3.1.
b) Open Help->Software Updates->Manage Configuration menu and check the status of the net.sf.eclipsensis.installoptions feature.
c) Check the error log and see if there are any messages indicating why the plugin did not start. The error log can be either seen using the Error Log view, or by opening the .log file in the .metadata folder in your workspace.

The best way to install/update EclipseNSIS is by using the Eclipse Updates Manager. It ensures that all prerequisites are met before you can install the plugins. Downloading and unzipping does not guarantee that the plugins will work, especially if some other necessary plugin is missing.

ok now i'm going to sound very stupid, but i won't get anything done if i don't ask questions here

first off, the installoptions eclipsensis doesn't show up anywhere, the eclipsensis+update shows up and works fine, but not installoptions.

a) yes 3.1

b) what am i looking for here? there's just junk on the left side and the 5 options i'm given all lead to nothing useful.

c) error log? where? i can't find any error.log in the eclipse directory, and i can't find any "error log view" in the eclipse menus.

eclipse updates manager? where? help -> software updates -> find and install? where am i supposed to enter the "net.sf.eclipse... etc" stuff?

ok now i'm going to sound very stupid, but i won't get anything done if i don't ask questions here

first off, the installoptions eclipsensis doesn't show up anywhere, the eclipsensis+update shows up and works fine, but not installoptions.
You can check if EclipseNSIS InstallOptions Editor is installed by trying File->New->Other.... The wizard that opens should have a folder named EclipseNSIS. Within that folder should be an entry for "InstallOptions Script".

a) yes 3.1

b) what am i looking for here? there's just junk on the left side and the 5 options i'm given all lead to nothing useful.
How did you install EclipseNSIS? If you installed it manually, then Manage Configuration is not applicable.
Otherwise, there should be an entry for "EclipseNSIS InstallOptions Editor 0.9.4" in the tree view at the left.
If GEF 3.1 (or better) is properly installed, you should see something like "Graphical Editing Framework 3.1".

c) error log? where? i can't find any error.log in the eclipse directory, and i can't find any "error log view" in the eclipse menus.
To open the view, use the Window->Show View->Error Log.
If that menu item is not available, try Window->Show View->Other.... The wizard that opens should have a folder named "PDE Runtime" (I am assuming you did a complete Eclipse SDK installation). That folder should have any entry named "Error Log".
To read the log directly, you have to know where your Eclipse workspace folder is. Within that folder will be a subfolder named .metadata which, in turn, will contain a file named .log

eclipse updates manager? where? help -> software updates -> find and install? where am i supposed to enter the "net.sf.eclipse... etc" stuff?
If you had installed EclipseNSIS using the update manager, an entry would be automatically created for you.
Otherwise, instructions are at and http://localhost/index.html#download.

Originally posted by iceman_k
If you had installed EclipseNSIS using the update manager, an entry would be automatically created for you.
Otherwise, instructions are at and http://localhost/index.html#download.
Well... duh!!! Obviously not at localhost!!!
The second URL should be:

For instructions on how to add an update site, see:

i feel kind of stupid, but i actually did not have GEF installed :)

it all works fine now.

except one thing i noticed (a bug?) in installoptions.

when I put C:\distfiles\ as the "default directory" for a directory field, it displays C:\\distfiles\\.

Originally posted by empezar
except one thing i noticed (a bug?) in installoptions.

when I put C:\distfiles\ as the "default directory" for a directory field, it displays C:\\distfiles\\.
I will look at this. However, any fix will probably not appear until 0.9.5, which is probably going to be in June or so.

Hie All ,

Could someone PLEASE help ME.

I installed Eclipse 3.1, NSIS 2.15.i downloaded EclipseNSIS and pasted it in the plug-ins folder , i unzipped it even.When i start eclipse and open the plug-ins window i see "net.sf.eclipsensis(0.9.4)" , so now how do i use it.How do i open an editor for NSIS script.

Please i need someones help , i 've been racking my brains on this for a week now.I need to make an installer urgently.Please


Double click on one of the Modern UI example scripts under Exampls\Modern UI. Right click on the .nsi file and select Compile to compile it.



Originally posted by giddy_guitarist
Hie All ,

Could someone PLEASE help ME.

I installed Eclipse 3.1, NSIS 2.15.i downloaded EclipseNSIS and pasted it in the plug-ins folder , i unzipped it even.When i start eclipse and open the plug-ins window i see "net.sf.eclipsensis(0.9.4)" , so now how do i use it.How do i open an editor for NSIS script.
It's no different from how you would open an editor for a Java file, a text file or any other file in Eclipse.
If you have a workspace with projects set up, then either double-click on an .NSI file or use the EclipseNSIS wizard to create a new one.
Or you can open any .NSI file on your computer using the File->Open menu item.
Remember to install the hotfix to get past the MakeNSIS 2.15 version number issue.

You can always try the help, which is either accessible using the standard Eclipse help viewer or online at

HowTo install?
Hello, first sorry for my bad english :(.

I have installed Eclipse sucessfull but now I tried to install the NSIS-Plugin, but if I used the update installer of Eclipse, there occours an error-message:

EclipseNSIS InstallOptions Editor (0.9.4) requires plug-in "org.eclipse.gef (3.1.0)", or later version.
Can you help me with this problem? Thanks!

You need to install the GEF plugin. It is available from the main Eclipse update site.

Eclipse NSIS throwing exception
I have installed the GEF plugin version 3.2. I have installed the EclipseNSIS stuff (everything including the hotfix).

I get the following error in a new project when I try to create a new NSIS script.

I get 4 exceptions. The first on is..

at java.util.Arrays.sort(Unknown Source)
at net.sf.eclipsensis.EclipseNSISPlugin$
at org.eclipse.jface.operation.ModalContext.runInCurrentThread(
at org.eclipse.jface.window.ApplicationWindow$
at org.eclipse.swt.custom.BusyIndicator.showWhile(
at net.sf.eclipsensis.EclipseNSISPlugin.startServices(
at net.sf.eclipsensis.EclipseNSISPlugin.start(


I can send more of the error information if you need it.
Thanks for any help you can provide.

Added: I reinstalled NSIS and it's working so my firedrill is over for now. I do not know what happened.

Yes, if you still have the error information, please post all of it. It might be a good idea to attach it as a text file, so as to keep the post short.

Attached log file for your enjoyment.
I think I captured averything.

Thanks, the bug has been fixed and will be released in version 0.9.5.

Thanks that was very fast response.

One other thing. I first encountered the exceptions opening my workspace that had a .nsi file open. Would this be the same issue or would you need to need the logs from that to determine?

Sure, attach those log files as well.
It wouldn't hurt to look into it.

iceman_k, release the new version! :)
i'm still missing support for all the new commands and features that were implemented since the release of eclipsensis 0.9.4 ...

I anticipate releasing it within the next couple of weeks.

Originally posted by iceman_k
I anticipate releasing it within the next couple of weeks.
Update: Development for 0.9.5 is complete and the code has been frozen. I am going to be doing QA for the next week or so. My goal is to release it by middle of next week. :up:

Good work! Your development environment is really the best one available.


i totally agree with joost :)

When release the new version?

Any update on 0.9.5? I was under the impression it was supposed to be released over a month ago. Thanks.

Originally posted by iceman_k
Update: Development for 0.9.5 is complete and the code has been frozen. I am going to be doing QA for the next week or so. My goal is to release it by middle of next week. :up:
Hi iceman_k!

When do you release the next version?

Sorry it has been delayed.
A couple of reasons for it:
1) I have been traveling for 3 of the last 5 weeks on my "real" job (the one that pays the bills).
2) This is the most rigorous testing cycle I have ever performed, and it is turning up a lot of little things that I had missed earlier or broken during the current development cycle.
Rest assured that I am still putting in at least a couple of hours a day testing and fixing the application. I still hope to get it out by the end of the month.

Archive: EclipseNSIS


EclipseNSIS 0.9.5 and EclipseNSIS InstallOptions Editor 0.9.4 released
EclipseNSIS 0.9.5 and EclipseNSIS InstallOptions Editor 0.9.5 are both available for download now.
See the EclipseNSIS home page for details.



  • Upgraded to Eclipse 3.2 - no longer compatible with Eclipse 3.1.
  • Added Export as HTML command.
  • Var elements now shown in Outline view.
  • Added NSIS Command Wizard for adding NSIS commands to script.
  • Added drag & drop support to NSIS Script Wizard and EclipseNSIS Editor.
  • Added support for REG_BIN and REG_EXPAND_SZ in NSIS Script Wizard.
  • Added support for Library installs in NSIS Script Wizard.
  • NSIS Script Wizard can now save output to filesystem in addition to the workspace.
  • Added registry key and registry value browsers to NSIS Script Wizard.
  • Added command to insert registry value into NSIS script.
  • Added filtering to outline view.
  • Added startup plugin to check file associations.
  • Bug Fixes
    o 1416349
    o 1443239
    o 1464413
    o 1466390
    o 1474161
    o 1521533
    o 1556289
    o 1587717
    o 1591254
    o 1649681
  • Feature Requests:
    o 1441231
    o 1452422
    o 1587982
  • Other minor bug fixes.

EclipseNSIS InstallOptions Editor
  • Upgraded to Eclipse 3.2 - no longer compatible with Eclipse 3.1.
  • Added Export as HTML command.
  • Added new control editing commands in source editor.
  • Control type can now be changed in the design editor.
  • Added support for automatic Team checkout in design editor.
  • Fixed handling of escaped characters in INI file.
  • Added Quickfix support in Source editor.
  • Other minor bug fixes.

Java 6 is now officially supported. Windows Vista is nominally supported, but I have not tested it on this platform, since I do not have it installed. Support for Windows 98 & ME is deprecated in this version and will be removed in the next version because of stability issues.

As always, I am looking for any and all bugs you may find. These may be entered in the EclipseNSIS project SourceForge Bug tracker. Feature requests may also be entered.


did you add support for the new commands that come with nsis 2.24? (FOCUS flag for InstallOptions, new predefines etc...)

Since NSIS 2.24 is not yet released, I haven't added support for it. Once it is released, I may release an update for it.

Awesome! Is it possible to tune-up bitmap controls a bit? For example shift bitmap icon a bit to the left/right to unhidden digits showing size when dragging borders. Maybe even display actual bitmap (specified in text label) instead of an icon? But the first thing I would ask is to enable these bitmaps in preview - perhaps it just the matter of copying them along with preview script in temp directory.

Is it possible to tune-up bitmap controls a bit? For example shift bitmap icon a bit to the left/right to unhidden digits showing size when dragging borders.
I don't quite understand what you mean by this.

Maybe even display actual bitmap (specified in text label) instead of an icon? But the first thing I would ask is to enable these bitmaps in preview - perhaps it just the matter of copying them along with preview script in temp directory.
Displaying the actual bitmap is not really feasible.
You see, the TEXT property of the bitmap refers to the location of the bitmap on the target system- so if you are setting its value to a local file name on your system, you are making a mistake. There is no way to know what bitmap is going to be there at the named location on the target system, so showing the "actual" bitmap is not possible.
However, I will implement some sort of visual cue of the size and location of the bitmap/icon controls in the preview.

Originally posted by iceman_k
I don't quite understand what you mean by this.
I mean that while you drag the border of bitmap control there is an icon inside which does not allow you to see the size of the box clearly.

Displaying the actual bitmap is not really feasible.
You see, the TEXT property of the bitmap refers to the location of the bitmap on the
target system- so if you are setting its value to a local file name on your system, you are making a mistake. There is no way to know what bitmap is going to be there at the named location on the target system, so showing the "actual" bitmap is not possible.
However, I will implement some sort of visual cue of the size and location of the bitmap/icon controls in the preview.
Aha.. Is it possible then in EclipseNSIS to parse installoptions .ini and detect the errors like this one - when user specified bitmaps in installoptions, but forgot to include them into .nsi file to extract to $PLUGINSDIR ?

The logic seems to be pretty simple for previewer - the only problem is to remind user to extract the bitmaps to $PLUGINSDIR as needed.

However, how can EclipseNSIS know which .nsi file the .ini file will be used with? The same .ini file can be used with potentially unlimited number of .nsi files.
Also, it is possible that the image file for the bitmap is not part of the installer, e.g., it is already present on the target system or it will be downloaded from some web site, etc. So, it is unlikely that what you are asking will ever happen. However, since (I assume) the developer is actually testing the installer before releasing it, (s)he will see that the bitmap file is missing and correct the problem accordingly.

Indeed, EclipseNSIS can't figure out what .nsi is used to display given .ini, but it could parse .nsi files, detect all included .ini and then walk through bitmaps and throw a warning (suppressable) if the file referenced in bitmap is not included in .nsi or extracted to plugins dir. Is that possible?

Just for testing design I wish I knew Java to make a patch to cover my basic scenario when .bmp files referenced from .ini are included in preview .nsi file to be unpacked in $PLUGINSDIR later and displayed during preview. How can I iterate over the list of bitmaps in .ini and run a filter just before preview .ini will be processed?

Originally posted by ********
Indeed, EclipseNSIS can't figure out what .nsi is used to display given .ini, but it could parse .nsi files, detect all included .ini and then walk through bitmaps and throw a warning (suppressable) if the file referenced in bitmap is not included in .nsi or extracted to plugins dir. Is that possible?
You still don't get what I mean.
The TEXT property of the bitmap field in the ini file refers to the RUNTIME location of the bitmap file. Even if the ini file is parsed, EclipseNSIS is not going to know how the bitmap file is going to get to that runtime location.
A typical usage scenario for InstallOptions is as follows:

File /oname=$PLUGINSDIR\setup.ini setup.ini
File /oname=$PLUGINSDIR\setup.bmp c:\My Local Directory\MyCoolBitmap.bmp
WriteIniStr $PLUGINSDIR\setup.ini "Field 5" Text "$PLUGINSDIR\setup.bmp"
installoptions::show $PLUGINSDIR\setup.ini

Parsing the ini file to look at the bitmap is not going to serve any purpose.

EclipseNSIS InstallOptionsEx Editor?
What do you think about an EclipseNSIS InstallOptionsEx Editor?
Is would be very useful for me.

InstallOptionEx unofficial thread

I had discussed this with Deguix about a year or so ago.
The problems I have faced in the past are:
a) InstallOptionsEx is changing all the time- i.e., there is not yet a stable final release.
b) It is very buggy (at least the last time I looked at it).

If a stable and final release can be made, then I will consider it.
I understand that in the lifecycle of any product there will be enhancements, changes, etc. However, IOEx was evolving to rapidly for me to consider it.

InstallOptionsEx is changing all the time
A little less now than Deguix gave up.

It is very buggy
It is precisely which I get busy with my unofficial version, debug it a maximum.

If a stable and final release can be made, then I will consider it.
I released a stable version in the same time as the beta2 of UltraModernUI.

IOEx was evolving to rapidly for me to consider it.
The only change which I envisages in a future a little more away, is the possibility of creating pages in new dialog. (typically, MessageBox personalized).
Except this, there should not be other modifications (except if somebody on the forum is interested to do it).

OK, then, when you release a "final" version, I will look at it again. It will probably have to be for 0.9.6, however.
In the meantime, I will observe the forum thread and see what the user feedback is like.
BTW, kudos to you for resurrecting a dead project.

Hi Iceman,

Since Deguix abandoned the code, I believe its SuperPat's (and my) intention to just basically do bug fixes only on IOEx...

Even if the ini file is parsed, EclipseNSIS is not going to know how the bitmap file is going to get to that runtime location.
A typical usage scenario for InstallOptions is as follows:

File /oname=$PLUGINSDIR\setup.ini setup.ini
File /oname=$PLUGINSDIR\setup.bmp c:\My Local Directory\MyCoolBitmap.bmp
WriteIniStr $PLUGINSDIR\setup.ini "Field 5" Text "$PLUGINSDIR\setup.bmp"
installoptions::show $PLUGINSDIR\setup.ini

Parsing the ini file to look at the bitmap is not going to serve any purpose.
So, the typical location of .ini is temporary $PLUGINSDIR directory. If there are any relative BITMAP references in .ini files then they should be resolved from $PLUGINDIR directory and it is a kind of check EclipseNSIS could be able to perform on .nsi, isn't it? I understand that it is a very specific case and although it is IMO the most common one I do not insist that a workaround should be there, even if it is possible.

Where can I download, BTW?

$PLUGINSDIR does not exist until the installer is run on the end-user's machine. It is different everytime the installer is run. So it cannnot be resolved or validated on the developer's machine. I think you are missing the difference between RUNTIME and COMPILETIME.
Also, it doesn't have to be $PLUGINSDIR- it can be anywhere on the end-user's machine. NOT on the developer's machine.
That is the last I am going to say on this subject. Unfortunately, the feature you are want is not going to happen (at least in the near future), because it is impractical to implement at this time.
It is much easier for the developer to validate that the bitmaps exist by simply compiling and running the installer. should be available in a week or so, if all goes well.

Ok. I understand. I thought it was possible to check if "File /oname=$PLUGINSDIR\setup.bmp .." entry exists in .nsi for each setup.bmp referenced in .ini should be available in a week or so, if all goes well.

How does it go? Any chances to see soon? =)

It will be releaased today.

EclipseNSIS and EclipseNSIS InstallOptions Editor released
EclipseNSIS and EclipseNSIS InstallOptions Editor are both available for download now.
See the EclipseNSIS home page for details.



  • Added support for new predefines.
  • Added support for /P compiler option.
  • Fixed outline view filter.
  • Added preference for saving file(s) before compilation.
  • Added functionality for associating headers (*.nsh) with a script (*.nsi).
EclipseNSIS InstallOptions Editor
  • Added support for new FOCUS flag.
  • Added visual indication of bitmap and icon locations in preview.
  • Improved resize feedback.
  • Added preference to automatically save InstallOptions script before preview.
  • Bug fixes:
    o 1662888

Windows 98 & ME are no longer supported. Windows Vista is provisionally supported.
The next version (0.9.6) will be upgraded to work with Eclipse 3.3 and will be timed to release soon after the release of Eclipse 3.3 (around June 2007).

As always, I am looking for any and all bugs you may find. These may be entered in the EclipseNSIS project SourceForge Bug tracker. Feature requests may also be entered.

be sure to keep up to date with nsis itself, as i'm still working on improving, changing and adding new commands and features from time to time ;)

EclipseNSIS Archived Site now available
The complete EclipseNSIS distribution is now available as an Eclipse archived update site.
See Eclipse help on how to install features from an archived site.

Kewl1 However, I would rename SF package from to as now it is easy to assume that it is a plain backup of web content from

be sure to update it with latest nsis additions :)

(new and changed installoptions controls, new nsis commands and constants)

The next version is scheduled to be released following the Eclipse 3.3 launch, and it will support all new features of NSIS and InstallOptions.


First of all let me say - great job ! I really like the new version of EclipseNSIS.

One question (not really related to NSIS) - How do I associate ".nsi" extension with Eclipse ? I tried manually but it does not work.
If I enter - "path to eclipse\eclipse.exe" "%1" - as the command for "open" action, Eclipse is launched but no file is opened.


I don't think Eclipse allows you to provide the file name as part of the command line. Your best bet is to check out the Eclipse documentation for this.

You can create a new workspace, maybe from a template workspace and edit the Memento XML to add the file to the opened files list. An enormous overkill, but should work :)

I asked about this (see 3 posts above) in Eclipse newsgroups and i got an answer :
"This is currently not possible."

Too bad.

EclipseNSIS 0.9.6 and EclipseNSIS InstallOptions Editor 0.9.6 released
EclipseNSIS 0.9.6 and EclipseNSIS InstallOptions Editor 0.9.6 are both available for download now.
See the EclipseNSIS home page for details.


  • Windows Vista should now be supported, but has not been exhaustively tested with the application.
  • The new nsDialogs plugin is not supported by the InstallOptions editor, however I will explore some sort of support for it in the future.


  • Added support for changes in NSIS 2.26:
    o New InstallLib options (LIBRARY_IGNORE_VERSION and LIBRARY_X64).
    o New and changed commands (SetRegView, GetDLLVersionLocal, MessageBox and File)
    o Fixed support for Windows Vista
    o Wizard now supports 32-bit or 64-bit target platforms.
  • Bug Fixes
    o 1714373
    o 1733997
    o 1745754
    o 1760927
    o 1770860

EclipseNSIS InstallOptions Editor
  • Added support for new HLine and VLine controls.
  • Added support for line-breaks in Link controls.
  • Bug fixes:
    o 1734246

:( :( :(

I updated my Eclipse and EclipseNSIS today, and where everything worked fine before i now have a problem "compiling".

When i now open any of my .nsi files i am not presented with the option of "CompileScript" in the EclipseNSIS menu, it is greyed out.

If i create a new .nsi file using EclipseNSIS Script Wizard it works fine , until i close Eclipse, when i reopen the file i have the same behaviour as stated above....

I know this probably only is a configuration issue, but i don't get where i go wrong.

Any help or "being pointed in the right direction" would be much appreciated.


Can you provide the details of your operating system and Eclipse version?

Oh sorry should have thought of that

OS: Windows XP Professional SP2, German (fully patched)
Eclispe Version: 3.3.0 Build id: I20070625-1500

Will there be an all-in-one update site distribution for 0.9.6? Downloads ratio of 1/8 for version is good enough to consider experiment successful including the fact the package released two weeks later after a main release.

I would appreciate the option to download all three eslipsensis arts and install them at once by pointing from within an eclipse rather than messing with unzip and eclipse folders.

Originally posted by xbarns
Oh sorry should have thought of that

OS: Windows XP Professional SP2, German (fully patched)
Eclispe Version: 3.3.0 Build id: I20070625-1500
Hmmm... that should be fine.
Did you check the error log to see if any errors were being reported?

Originally posted by ********
Will there be an all-in-one update site distribution for 0.9.6? Downloads ratio of 1/8 for version is good enough to consider experiment successful including the fact the package released two weeks later after a main release.

I would appreciate the option to download all three eslipsensis arts and install them at once by pointing from within an eclipse rather than messing with unzip and eclipse folders.
It is available now for download.

well i found two logfiles that i deemed interesting


LogEntry.1=BUNDLE C:\Programme\eclipse\plugins\org.eclipse.draw2d_3.2.100.v20070529.jar1187335010171.tmp
LogEntry.2=BUNDLE C:\Programme\eclipse\plugins\org.eclipse.gef_3.2.100.v20070620.jar1187335010187.tmp
LogEntry.3=FEATURE C:\Programme\eclipse\features\org.eclipse.gef_3.3.0.v20070620\feature1187335010187.xml
LogEntry.5=RENAME C:\Programme\eclipse\features\org.eclipse.gef_3.3.0.v20070620\feature1187335010187.xml
LogEntry.6=RENAME C:\Programme\eclipse\plugins\org.eclipse.draw2d_3.2.100.v20070529.jar1187335010171.tmp
LogEntry.7=RENAME C:\Programme\eclipse\plugins\org.eclipse.gef_3.2.100.v20070620.jar1187335010187.tmp


!CONFIGURATION 1187334412890 Fri Aug 17 09:06:52 CEST 2007
!ACTIVITY 1187334428609 Aug 17, 2007 09:07:08.609 file:/C:/Programme/eclipse/ site-install success

!CONFIGURATION 1187334488937 Fri Aug 17 09:08:08 CEST 2007
!ACTIVITY 1187334486390 Aug 17, 2007 09:08:06.390 org.eclipse.rcp.patch1_3.3.0.v20070705_330 feature-install success
!ACTIVITY 1187334488890 Aug 17, 2007 09:08:08.890 org.eclipse.rcp.patch1_3.3.0.v20070705_330 feature-enable success

!CONFIGURATION 1187335010281 Fri Aug 17 09:16:50 CEST 2007
!ACTIVITY 1187334954031 Aug 17, 2007 09:15:54.31 net.sf.eclipsensis_0.9.6 feature-install success
!ACTIVITY 1187335009437 Aug 17, 2007 09:16:49.437 net.sf.eclipsensis_0.9.6 feature-enable success
!ACTIVITY 1187335009437 Aug 17, 2007 09:16:49.437 net.sf.eclipsensis.installoptions_0.9.6 feature-install success
!ACTIVITY 1187335009687 Aug 17, 2007 09:16:49.687 net.sf.eclipsensis.installoptions_0.9.6 feature-enable success
!ACTIVITY 1187335009687 Aug 17, 2007 09:16:49.687 net.sf.eclipsensis.source_0.9.6 feature-install success
!ACTIVITY 1187335009921 Aug 17, 2007 09:16:49.921 net.sf.eclipsensis.source_0.9.6 feature-enable success
!ACTIVITY 1187335009921 Aug 17, 2007 09:16:49.921 net.sf.eclipsensis.utilities_0.9.2 feature-install success
!ACTIVITY 1187335010031 Aug 17, 2007 09:16:50.31 net.sf.eclipsensis.utilities_0.9.2 feature-enable success
!ACTIVITY 1187335010031 Aug 17, 2007 09:16:50.31 org.eclipse.gef_3.3.0.v20070620 feature-install success
!ACTIVITY 1187335010234 Aug 17, 2007 09:16:50.234 org.eclipse.gef_3.3.0.v20070620 feature-enable success

I downloaded all the Items again (Java (5.11 / 6u2), Nsis, Eclipse, EclipseNSIS ( AND 0.9.6) and tried it again on my machine. I also tried it on a brand new VMWare XP Prof SP1 English. Nothing it shows the same behaviour as described above.

Here is what i do

1. Install Java
2. Install NSIS
3. Install Eclipse
4. Install EclipseNSIS and GEF 3.3.0

am i missing anything ?

:( and all because i only wanted to draw my custom pages instead of editing an ini file :(

Any Ideas ? Anyone ?

Ok i went back to Eclipse 3.2.2 and EclipseNSIS, everything works again :)

Originally posted by xbarns
well i found two logfiles that i deemed interesting




No, the error log I mean can be accessed by going to Window->Show View->Error Log in the Eclipse 3.3 menu.

Archive: EclipseNSIS

Originally posted by xbarns
Ok i went back to Eclipse 3.2.2 and EclipseNSIS, everything works again :)
But you will then miss all the enhancements that came with NSIS 2.26 and above.
Sorry I could not be of more help.
But if you could check the Eclipse 3.3 error log using the method I described earlier, I may be able to help you.

No, the error log I mean can be accessed by going to Window->Show View->Error Log in the Eclipse 3.3 menu.
Nope sorry, no entries , i still have 3.3 installed.

I opened one of my exisiting files as well as creating a new one which i could compile once but after closing and opening again....

But you will then miss all the enhancements that came with NSIS 2.26 and above.
Yes :( , but right now i just need to be able to compile.

If there is anything else you want me to try just let me know i have downloaded all the stuff and i can set up another installation in minutes.

_ edit _

ok i installed again, no errors in the log you mentioned, only when i click on the "Export the NSIS script as an HTML file" Button i get

java.vendor=Sun Microsystems Inc.
BootLoader constants: OS=win32, ARCH=x86, WS=win32, NL=de_DE
Command-line arguments: -os win32 -ws win32 -arch x86

Fri Aug 17 15:39:15 CEST 2007

but i guess that is bnot what you are looking for, is it ?

No that is not what I was looking for.
But since you got that error, perhaps you could double click on it in the Error view to get the detailed stack trace information? Or did Eclipse crash completely?

However, in an attempt to reproduce your problem, I set up an Windows XP SP2 German installation.
I then installed Sun JRE 1.5.0-12, NSIS 2.29, Eclipse 3.3, GEF 3.3 and EclipseNSIS 0.9.6.
I was able successfully open and compile NSIS scripts.
I also tried exporting as HTML without any problems.

Is there something special I need to know about your setup?
Which edition of Windows XP are you using? Is it one of the "N" editions?

No that is not what I was looking for.
But since you got that error, perhaps you could double click on it in the Error view to get the detailed stack trace information? Or did Eclipse crash completely?
Hmm too bad, Eclipse did not crash completely, do you want me to send you the stack trace?

Is there something special I need to know about your setup?
Which edition of Windows XP are you using? Is it one of the "N" editions?
Not that i am aware of, what bugs me the most ist that it happens on different machines (my Laptop, my Desktop and a VMWare running on the Desktop).

My Windows Edition are all Volume License Versions and N would be the one without Media Player or IE right ? But they all have IE and MediaPlayer.

Originally posted by xbarns
Hmm too bad, Eclipse did not crash completely, do you want me to send you the stack trace?
Sure, go ahead - it can't hurt.

Originally posted by xbarns

Not that i am aware of, what bugs me the most ist that it happens on different machines (my Laptop, my Desktop and a VMWare running on the Desktop).

My Windows Edition are all Volume License Versions and N would be the one without Media Player or IE right ? But they all have IE and MediaPlayer.
Yes, I also installed a Volume License version of XP SP2 German.

If you are familiar with Java programming, you can debug the plugin. The source code is also available as a plugin.

If you are familiar with Java programming, you can debug the plugin. The source code is also available as a plugin.
Well i guess that would be my next problem :( I have no idea about programming. :D

Here is the stack trace.

:D :D :D :D :D :D

I think i might have the solution....

Ok there is 2 ways to save your .nsi File in Eclipse:

1. in a project
2. on the filesystem

It works when i save it in a project but not when i save it in the filespace.

Can you confirm this ?

I switched to using projects now...

Thanks, that was the key. I can reproduce the problem. I will investigate and hopefully release an update shortly.

EclipseNSIS and EclipseNSIS InstallOptions Editor released
EclipseNSIS and EclipseNSIS InstallOptions Editor are both available for download now.
See the EclipseNSIS home page for details.

This release addresses the problems opening external files.



EclipseNSIS InstallOptions Editor

As always, I am looking for any and all bugs you may find. These may be entered in the EclipseNSIS project SourceForge Bug tracker. Feature requests may also be entered.

Originally posted by xbarns
:D :D :D :D :D :D

I think i might have the solution....

Ok there is 2 ways to save your .nsi File in Eclipse:

1. in a project
2. on the filesystem

It works when i save it in a project but not when i save it in the filespace.

Can you confirm this ?

I switched to using projects now...
Did you try the update yet?
It should fix this problem.

Did you try the update yet?
It should fix this problem.
Darn i was busy annoying a customer and forgot all about it.

Just tried it, it works fine, thanks for the effort. :up:

Originally posted by ********
Will there be an all-in-one update site distribution for 0.9.6? Downloads ratio of 1/8 for version is good enough to consider experiment successful including the fact the package released two weeks later after a main release.

I would appreciate the option to download all three eslipsensis arts and install them at once by pointing from within an eclipse rather than messing with unzip and eclipse folders. is now available as an archived site.

I can't get EclipseNSIS working. I first tried to install it using Eclipse's update manager. That didn't work. I then tried doing it the manual way. That didn't work either. I didn't get any error messages or anything when installing it.

I can see the EclipseNSIS options in the Preferences dialog and there is an NSIS Update Wizard entry in the Help menu. But There isn't a EclipseNSIS menu, and there isn't an nsis perspective and there is no nsis project wizard.

I'm using Eclipse SDK Version: Build id: M20071023-1652 on Windows XP SP2 Swedish with JavaRE 1.6.0_03

What can I do to get it working?

Originally posted by TobbeSweden
I can't get EclipseNSIS working. I first tried to install it using Eclipse's update manager. That didn't work. I then tried doing it the manual way. That didn't work either. I didn't get any error messages or anything when installing it.
No error messages is good.
That means it worked.

Originally posted by TobbeSweden
I can see the EclipseNSIS options in the Preferences dialog and there is an NSIS Update Wizard entry in the Help menu. But There isn't a EclipseNSIS menu, and there isn't an nsis perspective and there is no nsis project wizard.
You are looking for things that don't exist. There is no NSIS perspective nor is there any such thing as an NSIS project.
What you will find, however, is an NSIS Script Wizard which you can use to create new NSIS scripts.
Alternatively, you can open an existing NSIS script using the File->Open menu item.
If you have an NSIS file in an existing Eclipse project, you should be able to double click on it to open it.
The EclipseNSIS menu will show up once an NSIS script has been opened in the NSIS editor.

Originally posted by TobbeSweden
I'm using Eclipse SDK Version: Build id: M20071023-1652 on Windows XP SP2 Swedish with JavaRE 1.6.0_03

What can I do to get it working?
It appears that everything is actually installed correctly. Just open an NSIS script and see if you can edit and compile it propertly.

Wow! Don't I feel stupid? :p

One thing though. When I get a compilation error and click on it in the console a new copy of the file with the error in it is opened, even if it's already opened in Eclipse. I think it would be better if it would just jump to the line with the error in the already opened file.

Other than that, great work, and thanks for your help :)

Hmmm... it should jump to the line in the existing editor.
Can you provide details of the file, e.g., is it an external file or a internal file (i.e., part of a project).
How did you open it? Is it possible to attach the file to your reply so that I can test with it?

I opened the file by dragging it from explorer and dropping it in Eclipse. This is the file: (The error is on line 10)

!include MUI.nsh

Name "Test"
OutFile "TestMUI.exe"
ShowInstDetails show
ShowUninstDetails show
InstallDir "$PROGRAMFILES\Test"

!insertmacro MUI_PAGE_WELCOME
!insertmacro MUI_PAGE_LICENSE "${NSISDIR}\COPYING_" ; Error on this line
!insertmacro MUI_PAGE_FINISH

!insertmacro MUI_UNPAGE_FINISH

!insertmacro MUI_LANGUAGE "English"

Section "Main Application" sec01
File /r '${NSISDIR}\Stubs'
WriteUninstaller "$INSTDIR\uninstal.exe"

Section UnInstall

Talking about projects... How do I create an installer project?

OK, thanks. I can reproduce it. I will investigate.

Also, there is no such thing as an "Installer Project".
At least, not that I know of.
You can add your nsi file to any Eclipse project.
If you don't have an Eclipse project, you can create a new Project and set its location to be that of your nsi file.

there is no such thing as an "Installer Project"
Yeah, that's why I got confused... When I'm going to write something in Java I choose "File->New->Project->Java Project". When I'm going to write something in C++ I go "File->New->Project->C++ Project". So naturally I went looking for a "Installer Project" or "NSIS Project" but couldn't find anything... I found a "General Project", guess I can use that...

EclipseNSIS is very nice, but I had problems with Compile / Test / Compile & Test buttons. I commited my problem with Test button into bugtracker (ID 1830306).

Now my Compile & Test button refuses to launch installer after compiling. I didn't change EclipseNSIS Preferences. It is a pitty, that was best feature at all ;-)

EDIT: I've restarted my computer (after 4 days). It's fuzzy - both "bugs" sometimes work and sometimes don't.

Originally posted by pospec
EclipseNSIS is very nice, but I had problems with Compile / Test / Compile & Test buttons. I commited my problem with Test button into bugtracker (ID 1830306).

Now my Compile & Test button refuses to launch installer after compiling. I didn't change EclipseNSIS Preferences. It is a pitty, that was best feature at all ;-)

EDIT: I've restarted my computer (after 4 days). It's fuzzy - both "bugs" sometimes work and sometimes don't.
I have not been able to reproduce this problem- in fact, you are the first person to experience this issue.
I will need more information from you:
Windows OS version
Eclipse version
NSIS version
EclipseNSIS version

Does this happen with any NSIS script or just one particular one? Would it be possible to attach a sample script to the bug report?

I have experienced it day or two after installation, now I can't reproduce it too. If it occurs again, I'll post a message here. Thanks anyway

Hi,first of all thanks for all the work in EclipseNSIS,it is being very helpful, specially because I'm used to Eclipse,so thanks again.

I used Eclipse with NSIS this afternoon, creating an InstallOptions page with the editor.I finished it,tested,and it was ok.Now when I try to open it,create a new InstallOptions page, or even open the InstallOptions editor,it throws me an error,and goes to the source editor.I also can't preview the file.

I attached the stack trace so you can see what's the problem

Thanks again.

EDIT: Now it's a different error.I edited the attachment with it to.

I need the original stack trace. The second stack trace no longer shows the actual cause of the error- it is only being thrown because the class cannot be loaded.
Close eclipse, restart it and then try to open the IO script and capture the stack trace.
Also, provide the following info:
Windows OS version
Eclipse version
NSIS version
EclipseNSIS version
JRE version

It is not possible to read the user manual on eclipse (seems to be html instead of xhtml), so:

org.xml.sax.SAXParseException: The element type "br" must be terminated by the matching end-tag "</br>".
at Source)
at Source)
at Source)
at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(
at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(
at org.eclipse.equinox.http.registry.internal.ServletManager$ServletWrapper.service(
at org.eclipse.equinox.http.servlet.internal.ServletRegistration.handleRequest(
at org.eclipse.equinox.http.servlet.internal.ProxyServlet.processAlias(
at org.eclipse.equinox.http.servlet.internal.ProxyServlet.service(
at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(
at org.eclipse.equinox.http.jetty.internal.HttpServerManager$InternalHttpServiceServlet.service(
at org.mortbay.jetty.servlet.ServletHolder.handle(
at org.mortbay.jetty.servlet.ServletHandler.dispatch(
at org.mortbay.jetty.servlet.ServletHandler.handle(
at org.mortbay.http.HttpContext.handle(
at org.mortbay.http.HttpContext.handle(
at org.mortbay.http.HttpServer.service(
at org.mortbay.http.HttpConnection.service(
at org.mortbay.http.HttpConnection.handleNext(
at org.mortbay.http.HttpConnection.handle(
at org.mortbay.http.SocketListener.handleConnection(
at org.mortbay.util.ThreadedServer.handle(
at org.mortbay.util.ThreadPool$

What can I do ? Anyone can read it ?


Am I alone to face this issue ?

EDIT> I am riding an Europa Eclipse v3.3.1.1 targetting a NSIS compiler v2.3.3 .


Eclipse help supports pure HTML. It is possible that a different plugin is causing this problem.
I will need exact steps on how to reproduce this.
Also, what other plugins have you installed?
The error you see appears to be caused by an invalid xhtml document, but all the EclipseNSIS help is in plain vanilla html.

EclipseNSIS and EclipseNSIS InstallOptions Editor released
EclipseNSIS and EclipseNSIS InstallOptions Editor are both available for download now.
See the EclipseNSIS home page for download links and instructions.

This is a minor maintenance release.


As always, I am looking for any and all bugs you may find. These may be entered in the EclipseNSIS project SourceForge Bug tracker. Feature requests may also be entered.

This release is also available as an archived Eclipse update site.

Did you fix the bug where it would open an extra copy of the file when double clicking an error if the file was opened by drag-and-drop?

Originally posted by TobbeSweden
Did you fix the bug where it would open an extra copy of the file when double clicking an error if the file was opened by drag-and-drop?

Re: EclipseNSIS and EclipseNSIS InstallOptions Editor released

Originally posted by iceman_k
EclipseNSIS and EclipseNSIS InstallOptions Editor are both available for download now.
Oops. This should obviously read:

EclipseNSIS and EclipseNSIS InstallOptions Editor are both available for download now.

Great, thank you!

Hello all,

I also want to use NSIS in my Eclipse IDE. But before i should know wether I can use NSIS with user input(point out to a special directy e.g.) in the installer which i can write into my already existing .XML file.

I have also googeled about NSIS + xml but found several plugins? Do they work together with NSIS-eclipse and which one to use is best?


I don't exactly know what you are asking. If it is equal to:

"I want to do something with an XML file using NSIS and am afraid that EclipseNSIS doesn't support it"

I can say: Eclipse is just being used as IDE, referring to standard makensis.exe when building the installer. That means, feel free to use it. In fact im writing an installer that reads/writes an XML file as well.

The next question was:

"Which is the best XML plug-in for NSIS?"

You are right, there are several ones...

I use this one:

I suggest to take a look at the features and the trade-offs of all of them, then decide which one to try.


EclipseNSIS 0.9.7 and EclipseNSIS InstallOptions Editor 0.9.7 released
EclipseNSIS 0.9.7 and EclipseNSIS InstallOptions Editor 0.9.7 are both available for download now.
See the EclipseNSIS home page for details.


  • Eclipse 3.3 is not supported in this release. You must upgrade to Eclipse 3.4 (Ganymede).
  • The new nsDialogs plugin is still not supported by the InstallOptions editor, however I am open to suggestions on how this can be done.


  • Upgraded to Eclipse 3.4 - no longer compliant with Eclipse 3.3.
  • Added support for new !searchparse command.
  • Added support for new /file option for !define command.
  • Added support for !else in outline view.
  • Wizard now supports MUI2 and Multi-User Install.
  • Added preview to NSIS Command Wizard.
  • Added support for unicode version of NSIS.
  • SourceForge download site is validated in Update preference page.
  • Proxy configuration is obtained from Eclipse network settings preferences.
  • Feature Requests:
    o 1902422
  • Bug Fixes
    o 1996176
    o 2050658
  • Other minor bug fixes.

EclipseNSIS InstallOptions Editor
  • Upgraded to Eclipse 3.4 - no longer compliant with Eclipse 3.3.
  • Minor bug fixes.

As always, I am looking for any and all bugs you may find. These may be entered in the EclipseNSIS project SourceForge Bug tracker. Feature requests may also be entered.

This release is also available as an archived Eclipse update site.

I have (probably) a stupid question.
Every time i save my script, it unfolds. This is annoying.
I searched in Preferences but i did not find anything.
Can this be unchecked somewhere ?


Originally posted by o_owd
I have (probably) a stupid question.
Every time i save my script, it unfolds. This is annoying.
I searched in Preferences but i did not find anything.
Can this be unchecked somewhere ?

Every time you save the script, the internal model representing the script structure is completely refreshed. When this happens, Eclipse automatically expands all collapsed regions.
This does not happen if an incremental refresh is done of the model.
However, because of the complexity of NSIS scripts, I have not implemented incremental refreshes yet.

If you would like to see the collapsed regions stay as such when you save a script, file a feature request and I will get around to it when I can.

nice to have an eclipse plugin. but one question remains: Why only for windows? I mean, nsi is also available for linux.

Where did version gone?

It is told on EclipseNSIS revision history page ( that version of EclipseNSIS was released on 10/06/2009.

I need this version because EclipseNSIS stopped working when I moved from 32bit Vista to 64bit Windows 7, and they say that support for Windows 7 was added.

However, I can only download from update site and download pages. Was the update ever released? How can I get it?

Since I did not find any contact information on site, I will be grateful if you just suggest me the way to contact EclipseNSIS developers.



I'm in the same situation, and AFAIK support for 64bit machine doesnt exists yet. :cry:

Archive: EclipseNSIS

EclipseNSIS delayed

The CVS outage for the EclipseNSIS project has delayed the release of
This outage should hopefully be resolved this weekend.
Once the CVS server is back online, the release will be built and uploaded to SF.

2010-03-26 13:33:42 UTC by icemank


EclipseNSIS and EclipseNSIS InstallOptions Editor are both available for download now.
See the EclipseNSIS home page for details.


  • Eclipse 3.4 is not supported in this release. You must upgrade to Eclipse 3.5.
  • Windows 7 is now supported.
  • 64-bit Java VM is still not supported. I will explore supporting this for the next release.


  • (03/26/2010)
  • Upgraded to Java 5.
  • Upgraded to Eclipse 3.5 - no longer compliant with Eclipse 3.4.
  • Added support for !searchreplace command.
  • Added support for registering EXE COM servers in InstallLib macros.
  • Added experimental support for Java 7.
  • Added experimental support for Windows 7.
  • Bug Fixes
    o 2526120
    o 2818953
    o 2845035
    o 2858469
  • Other minor bug fixes.

EclipseNSIS InstallOptions Editor
  • Upgraded to Eclipse 3.5 - no longer compliant with Eclipse 3.4.
  • Minor bug fixes.

As always, I am looking for any and all bugs you may find. These may be entered in the EclipseNSIS project SourceForge Bug tracker. Feature requests may also be entered.

This release is also available as an archived Eclipse update site.

EclipseNSIS 0.9.8 and EclipseNSIS InstallOptions Editor 0.9.8 Released
EclipseNSIS 0.9.8 and EclipseNSIS InstallOptions Editor 0.9.8 are both available for download now.
See the EclipseNSIS home page for details.


  • 64-bit Java VM is now supported. It has been tested with Windows 7 Home Premium x64 and Windows Server 2008 x64.


  • Added 64-bit support.
  • Added filter capability for NSIS Commands view.
  • Bug Fixes
    o 2813284
    o 2943940
  • Other minor bug fixes.

EclipseNSIS InstallOptions Editor
  • Added 64-bit support.
  • Minor bug fixes.

As always, I am looking for any and all bugs you may find. These may be entered in the EclipseNSIS project SourceForge Bug tracker. Feature requests may also be entered.

This release is also available as an archived Eclipse update site.

EclipseNSIS and EclipseNSIS InstallOptions Editor Released
After a long hiatus, EclipseNSIS and EclipseNSIS InstallOptions Editor are both available for download now.
See the EclipseNSIS home page for more information about EclipseNSIS.


Any and all bugs you may find may be entered in the EclipseNSIS project SourceForge Bug tracker. Feature requests may also be entered. However, please be aware that real life has a nasty habit of intruding into open source (i.e., unpaid) work, hence it may be a while before I get around to making any significant changes to the product.

This release is also available as an archived Eclipse update site.

Eclipse NSIS- Scripting Wizard Completion Problem

I'm using EclipseNsis in Eclipse Juno Kepler[Windows 32 Bit]. I'm not able to complete my Scripting wizard. It displaying unknown Message in Error Dialog and stops in Wizard Completion Dialog last step. kindly give solution as soon as possible.

Plz find attached

It looks like your environment is not configured correctly.
As NSIS Wizard in Eclipse works fine for me (exactly the same version) we can assume this situation is not caused by NSIS, so you should look for error in your environment, machine or simply in parameters you put into Wizard.

How to install??