Archive: FolderSeek option?

FolderSeek option?
I'm looking for a function, plugin, etc. that has the ability to search for FOLDERS instead of files.

I was hoping to find something that would work similiar to the FileSeek function built-in to NSIS. I've not been able to find anything like this. Any ideas?


Perhaps some more background:
I want to be able to start with a base folder $X and be able to get a list of all subfolders within. But I only need to go down one level ($X\folder1, $X\folder2, etc.)

The only problem is that I'm not going to know the exact name of the folders.

FindFirst/FindNext + IfFileExists DIRECTORY\*.* to check if its a dir

Name "Output"
OutFile "Output.exe"

!include "FileFunc.nsh"
!insertmacro Locate

${Locate} "C:\a" "/L=D /G=0" "LocateCallback"
; /G=1 with subfolders

IfErrors 0 +2
MessageBox MB_OK "Error"

Function LocateCallback
MessageBox MB_YESNO '$R9$\n$\nFind next?' IDYES +2
StrCpy $0 StopLocate

Push $0
Script used header

Thanks both for the help! I'm looking forward to trying these!:up: