Archive: Function in Section Uninstall isn't calling correctly.

Function in Section Uninstall isn't calling correctly.
I'm trying to call a RemoveFont function from section "Uninstall".

If I just leave it named the way it is.. it tells me I need to put an un. in front of it.

Call must be used with function names starting with "un." in the uninstall section.
Usage: Call function_name | [:label_name]
Error in script "C:\Documents and Settings\Llynix\Desktop\Installers\wwinstall\World Wind Full.nsi" on line 246 -- aborting creation process

If I put an un. in front of it, it does it's best to compile and then errors. Telling me I need to put an un. in front of it.

Error: resolving uninstall function "un.RemoveFONFont" in uninstall section "Uninstall" (0)
Note: uninstall functions must begin with "un.", and install functions must not

I'm a bit confused and after reading docs still haven't found the answer.

See attachments for files.

The library
And the library..

You need to prefix the name of the function with "un." in its definition too (in library.nsi).

I tried that.. when the function and the Call are both un'ized I get :

Error: resolving uninstall function "un.RemoveFONFont" in uninstall section "Uninstall" (0)

Note: uninstall functions must begin with "un.", and install functions must not

Error - aborting creation process


Make sure you place the Function before the uninstall Section and not after it.


Function and section order doesn't matter. Attach a complete example which is not working.

Hi all,

I'm facing the same issue.
I have create a function called "un.retreivePostgresHomeDirectory" in my own .nsh (included in my main .nsi) and when I try to use it in the uninstaller section I have this error :

Error: resolving uninstall function "un.retreivePostgresHomeDirectory" in uninstall section "Uninstall" (0)
Note: uninstall functions must begin with "un.", and install functions must not
Error - aborting creation process

I do not have the error if the function is declared in the .nsi