Archive: Compile bug in 2.06

Compile bug in 2.06
New to the forums. If this isn't the place to post a compile bug then I apologize and ask that you point me in the right direction :o)

fileform.h excludes from the header struct as follows:

int install_types[NSIS_MAX_INST_TYPES+1];

components.c tries to access g_header->install_types[i] in GetInstType(HTREEITEM *items). To fix I simply wrapped as follows as I don't believe I'm using a components page:

if (!g_header->install_types[i]) {


Thanks, I'll fix it. SetCurInstType and GetCurInstType should be left out entirely when there is no components page.

For the next time, the best place to post definite bug reports is at:

If you're not sure you have found a bug, it's best to open a thread in the forums, discusss it a bit and submit it once you have all the needed details.