Archive: How can I invoke jdk installation from .nsi script?

How can I invoke jdk installation from .nsi script?

How can I invoke jdk installation from .nsi script?. I have downloaded the jdk1.5 from sun site (

Thanks & Regards,

Hi GnanaShekar!!

This was a question that i had asked sometime back and like always someone would have told u to search the forum, but just in case if not here is what u can look into...
U can use this command

ExecWait "<pathname>\jdk-1_5_0_01-windows-i586-p.exe"

ExecWait "c:\download\jdk-1_5_0_01-windows-i586-p.exe"

if ur looking for an entire script. The I would like others suggest to search the forum.


JDK silent installation and uninstall section.

Thanks. I am able to start JDK insallation using ExecWait, but have the following queries.

1. How will I be able to write uninstall section for JDK installation.
2. Once the jdk installation is started, I donot want it to ask user input. Is there a way to give the path for installation at the command prompt itself, that is I want it to do a silent installation.

Thanks & Regards,


The query u have is the same of what i'm trying to do. U can uninstall JDK with the options provided in NSIS (I haven't reached upto there).

As far as installing without user inputs, i'm not sure if the Installation tool used by Sun (Installshield) has the provision.

BTW if u come across then do let me know too.

Tnx. & Good Luck.


P.S What i have achieved is Install JDK, Tomcat & Netscape as 3rd party packages along with my project. Still doing a lot of research.