Archive: Cannot ReadINIStr $0 Into StrCpy $Var28?

Cannot ReadINIStr $0 Into StrCpy $Var28?

This I believe to be one of my most frustrating moments with NSIS. Something that appears to be so simple and examples all stating the same thing just won't work for me... What in the world is wrong with the following piece of code?

2. ReadINIStr $0 "$EXEDIR\info.ini" "var28" "State" ;$0 is Temple OR Pyramid
3. StrCpy $Var28 $0 ;$Var28 Should now contain Temple OR Pyramid
I cannot compile past line 3. Why?

Thank you!

I think I have it... Do I have to declare $Var28 like so?

var Var28
Wow, I thought variables could be made on the fly... Anyhow, any way to bypass declaration of the variable and get it done on the fly like in the example above?

I don't think there's an easy way.


Hey Afrow, I forgot to thank you for your pointing me out in my last thread (last before this one) about Variables in !System calls. Thanks :D

Also, thanks for your input here! I am pretty much surprised variables have to be seperately declared instead of just being simply created like example 1 above...

Thanks Afrow!

Dunno if there's any other reason, but creating variables on the fly often means adding another pass during compilation...

Hello RobGrant,

I've got a few reasons why I do wish to create a layered installer (several passes). Is this even possible?