Archive: Display HD Info

Display HD Info

How do i find out the HardDrive Space and provide it on a gui page with some legends.


1) I need to identify how many drive i have
2) Each Drive needs to be associated to a color
3) Show in a Pie Format (Entire Drive, and Pie Section informs Partition Space) or a rectangle for each drive


There's probably some plugins on the archive to get info about the system. I'm wondering if that would be a good idea for a plugin to display a HD info page similar to that in My Computer.

However, for now you can't make pie-charts easily but you could have labels that act like bars which you change the width of and the background colour (using SetCtlColors).
Someone did something like this a long long time ago, and it was quite pretty but I'm not sure if you can still get hold of that topic.
