Archive: new virus definitions find virus in ALL nsis compiled installers

new virus definitions find virus in ALL nsis compiled installers
after compiling ANY nsis script, my anti-virus immediately issues a warning about the created .exe. "" virus present on all. this includes the example1.nsi and example2.nsi. upon scanning EVERY file on my computer, the only viruses that are found are on nsis created .exes. i've had to retract software i just issued.

note: the virus is actually called "downloader.istbar" and only my AVG virus scan finds the problem. i honestly think it's a faulty definition from AVG, but i can't in good conscience release my software w/nsis until they fix it. i plan on contacting them, but i encourage anyone that uses nsis to do the same as many people use this free anti-virus software.

I face exactly the same problem. The problem is in 2.06 and does not appear in 2.02. I have already notified AVG about the problem - our company has bought AVG s the answer shall be soon...

We had the same problem here and alerted Grisoft also. This morning we rebuilt NSIS 2.06 using the source code and Microsoft VC7.1. The resulting Makensis.exe makes clean installer packages.

Based on our testing yesterday we feel that the AVG error is a false positive. The rebuilt exe is different enough to get around whatever AVG error is triggering the alert.

I just got email from AVG Techsupport that states that it is a FALSE alarm, they know about it already and they today release a new virus definition that will fix the problem.

I've got the same problem here. Nevertheless, when I shutdown AVG, Windows says it cannot open the file. Any ideas?

"the file" being an installer. So it's not AVG alone, or...?

I found that changing the compressor type avoided the false positive in AVG. You might want to try adding "SetCompressor lzma" to the top of your NSI file and see if it works for you.

The new virus definition was uploaded a few minutes ago. Update AVG and you won't get the false alarm anymore.


Haven't tested, it yet with the new version or the updated AVG. I released my software this morning, and had the problem so I just went back through and recompiled it using 2.02 which solved my problem for the time being. I'll test the new version either today or tomorrow, to make sure what you say is true.

Thank you for the speedy response.

I fixed the problem temporarily by using the 2.06 8192 string length special build rather than have to down-grade.


Downloaded the new virus definitions and the latest windows update, and now i've got no problems anymore. (with the binary from the website, 2.06)