Archive: nsWeb Plugin and button names

nsWeb Plugin and button names
You guys are great helping me with all my NSIS problems..

one more quick problem..

i have a custom page that uses the nsWeb plugin to display a page, and i need to change the next on the next button.

Here the code for the page,

Function CustomPageA
!insertmacro MUI_HEADER_TEXT "blah blah"
nsWeb::ShowWebInPage "$PLUGINSDIR\file1.htm"

Any comment would help me!

correction "change the TEXT on the next button"

GetDlgItem $R0 $HWNDPARENT 1
SendMessage $R0 ${WM_SETTEXT} 0 "STR:Blah"

Place in CustomPageA function at the top. Make sure you !include WinMessages.nsh


THAT worked! thanks alot

wow, there is no way i would have ever figured that out on my own,.. what does GetDlgItem do?

All the objects on the dialogue have a unique ID number. GetDlgItem gets hold of that object by using it's ID number (which is 1) allowing you to do other stuff with it (with such commands as SendMessage, SetCtlColors, ShowWindow, EnableWindow)


Shoulfd I add to my TODO list the option to change the caption text of the buttons?

What would be the idea of that? :|

You might as well... I use the feature in InstallOptions very very often.
