Archive: How works "flags" in SectionSetFlags?

How works "flags" in SectionSetFlags?
Hi, I explain my problem before: in components page I have one group with three checkboxes A, B, C... and another checkbox D outside the group... initially none of them are checked, and the first checkbox A is selectable and the others B and C are read only and so disabled. I want to enable checkbox B and C only when checkbox A is selected so I written this function (1 is the checkbox A, 2 B, and 3 C):

Var flags

Function .selTest
SectionGetFlags 1 $flags
StrCmp $flags 0 equal diff

SectionSetFlags 2 ?!?!??!?
SectionSetFlags 3 ??!?!??!
goto end

SectionSetFlags 2 ${SF_RO}
SectionSetFlags 3 ${SF_RO}

Function .onSelChange
Call .selTest

My problem is that I don't know what write in the place where is !??!?!?! I have read Section.nsh and documentation, but I don't have understand how flags works... the code...
Is a 32-bit integer but I have to manage? The flags is 1 or 0? How I can "jump" a flag if I don't want to set? I try to write "0" and the checkbox seems to return selectable but when I click it don't work, remain not-checked.

Sorry for my english, I'm italian.

Re: How works "flags" in SectionSetFlags?

Originally posted by kudraw
[...]Is a 32-bit integer but how I can manage? [...]
Sorry again for bad english.

Use the SetSectionFlag and ClearSectionFlag macros from Include\Sections.nsh. This way you won't have to deal with combining the flags on your own.

Thanks for your answer, now it works!!!