Archive: How to Create a Status Box? MessageBox with No Buttons, Just Info Based On Operations

How to Create a Status Box? MessageBox with No Buttons, Just Info Based On Operations

I have some points in my installer which pause unusually long. I'd set DetailPrint text but unfortunately no log can be seen at these points.

e.g. Right before installation, I check for certain running processes and services. This check can take up to 15 seconds to complete. During this time, the installer appears frozen as the screen is blank and the Next button remains pressed. The installer also appears to be unresponsive.

I make these checks right before and after installation and right before and after uninstall. At these times, I'd like if possible to pop up a MessageBox which simply informs the user "Checking services and processes, this may take a while, please be patient..." Once the check and any actions (if required) are performed, the MessageBox leaves the screen and operations continue as usual.

Is this possible? Thanks for any feedback on this!

I guess you've never heard of the Banner plugin :p
Under Contrib\Banner

If you are able to get a progress count (ie say if you're doing a number of operations, not one big one) you can use the NSX plugin to display a Banner with a progress bar on it.
That plugin is on the 3rd page of the forums still I think.


Actually the topic title doesn't contain the plugin name, so you'd never find it!

It's here:


Thanks Afrow! I've seen the banner plugin before and I played with it too a while back (.onInit) but never thought about it in regards to this issue. This plugin looks good and I'll give it a try again. Thanks!