Archive: Custom installer screen help need

Custom installer screen help need
I need to update one or more ini files of a previous install, my program is an update, some kind of patch, what i need i s a way of show in a list view or something like that(a list view with checkboxes could be great) in wich i could select the files to update..
Can someone help me to make this, it's very urgent so thanks to all the people who could help me (AfroUK this is for you :), you are tha man!!!)

Greentings to all

You could use a ListBox with MULTISELECT flag, or you could use InstallOptionsEx's TreeView control w/ CHECKBOXES flag.

Can you give me an explanation of this?¿
Greetings from spain

I explain with codes. (NOT TESTED)

INI file example using InstallOptions plugin, and using ListBox control (this control doesn't show checkboxes):


[Field 1]
ListItems is the list of files separated by "|". State is a list of files to be selected when the page appears. Top, Bottom, Left, Right are coordinates for the position and size of the control. Flags specify additional flags for the control, like in this case MULTISELECT allows selection of multiple files.


INI file example using InstallOptionsEx (a different plugin than InstallOptions, you should see the NSIS Wiki for this), and using TreeView control (this control shows checkboxes when used with CHECKBOXES flag):

[Field 1]
State is different here when "CHECKBOXES" flag is set. It's a list of states for every item listed in ListItems. Basic state flags: 0 = unchecked, 1 = checked.

But no w i have i question, i don't know exactly how many files i need to update, i need to iterate througth directories and find the files that i need:
I know for sure that one dir, means one ini.
Is there anyway to apply this to the code that you have posted, please let me know
Thanks for all

No one reply...I need help!!!

WriteINIStr writes a string to an INI file. To get all files of a folder, use one of the file search functions from archive that have the feature of callback function. Then use StrCpy to attach the path + file name to the string to be written to the INI file in the format "file1|file2...".

This is so hard for me, i've have no knowledge about this language and seems so strange to me, i need to finish the installer for my daily job, and I can't finish it, i'll be very gratefull if you could help me to implement this part
Please feel free to mail me at whit your comments about this, if you need help with this i could send you a document discussing this.

Thanks for all and in anyway!!!
