Archive: copy many files and capture their names

copy many files and capture their names
I am trying to copy a number of files which are located in some folder to another destination folder. I also want to capture the names of all the files copied so that I can use them in building an HTML page. I was wondering if there is a function that I can use that allows me to read files in the directory using the loop and store the names of the files in variables. Similar to EnumRegKey function which is used for reading registries keys. Thank you. Any ideas would be great. I was looking for such function in NSIS help files, but I was unbale to find it.

Locate see "Example (Copy files with log)"

I have looked at this example. It seems very complex. Is there already a build in function in NSIS that I can use? Something like EnumRegKey for reading registries keys. Are there any other examples that would be helpful to me? Thank you.

Never mind, I already found it. I used FindFirst and FindNext functions.