Archive: dialogsEx plugin: dialogs with style and actitud

dialogsEx plugin: dialogs with style and actitud
This is my new plugin... is an enhanced version of dialog plugin.

This is one of the features that dialogsEx has:

Once again, test it, and comments are very welcome :)


This is AWESOME!
I see that you implemented a string length limit on the input box--very nice!:D

I also like the registration screens--they are simple and very functional. :cool:

But there's one minor thing:
In the help manual under the FAQ section, you have what appears to be a link: this tutorial about functions and params.
The word 'this' looks like a hyperlink, but doesn't really do anything.:confused:

Hi Comperio!

Thanks for your comments! :)
Actually, that's not a bug... is only a underlined word :P


Plugin updated :)

Added the option to multiple file selection. See OpenBox-4.nsi.


hmm I notice your keyegn for this dialogsexplugin is weird now, would it be possible to make the keygen to generate more randomly ???

this is the current one

I was thinking could it be possible to make the keygen serial to like this


Plus this could allows a inputreg more complicated.

thanks for this great plugin

I'll work it out... :)

Thank you for this plugin... was banging my head in docs trying to find such capabilities.

A remark about ModernFolderBox though:

When I decide to create a new folder, two options are offered to name it, as usual: in the path itself at bottom of the dialog; and in the tree itself, by double-clicking icon.
But in any of these ways, two folders are created: one that we have just named, and another called "New Folder".
Having just one folder created by clicking OK would be great.

I think I'm missing something, but I can't see how to specify default filenames in the open/save/whatever dialogs. Is there a way?

Yes, see the Open and SaveBoxes example files about file paterns

Hey Joel,
I found a couple issues, both using the File Save exmple 3 (SaveBox-3.nsi included with your plugin.)

First issue:
Compile and run the stock saveBox-2.nsi script. I find that each time I type in a unique file name or pick an existing file, the script tells me that the operation was cancelled.

Second issue: (might be related to the first)
The stock script uses the variable ${Var_9} as the return varible and the style "3" which gives the modern XP save as dialog. But, if I modify the script to use ${Var_1} instead (leaving the type set to "3"), then it starts using the old (Win3.1) style save box. If I then change to ${Var_2}, then I get the Win9x type save box. In all cases, I get "operation was cancelled".

It appears as if the return variable seems to control the type setting instead of the value of the actual type parameter.

(For reference, I'm using XP SP2 with NSIS version 2.22)

Ok, I'll check that...
due my teacher schedule (finals in the semester) I can do it quickly as I'd like, but I'll find the time.

No hurry. I'm getting by just fine using your original dialogs plugin.


Does anyone have a copy of the DialogsEX plugin? The original link is no longer working and in the NSIS plugin directory I found only the Dialogs plugin which I suppose is an older/less advanced version.

I mostly need the Modern Folder function which is not available in the Dialogs plugin.

Is there an alternative download link somewhere?


Originally posted by tomfra
Does anyone have a copy of the DialogsEX plugin? The original link is no longer working and in the NSIS plugin directory I found only the Dialogs plugin which I suppose is an older/less advanced version.

I mostly need the Modern Folder function which is not available in the Dialogs plugin.

Is there an alternative download link somewhere?



The only link I found in the wiki is****plug-in and there is no direct download link in there. Just the URL to your website but that's no longer working.


Oh... sorry, I just realized it's in the zip file with your other plugins. Well, hopefully ;)

