Archive: Add to IE exeception list and host file

Add to IE exeception list and host file
I need to add an entry to the IE exceptions list (the list that tells the browsers that a certain IP is on your LAN) and to the host file.

Is this possible using NSIS and how?

As far as i know the ie exeption list is stored in the registry (HKLM). Therefore you need admin privileges. Export the whole HKLM Key using regedit, make your changes and export the key again than compare it and you have the location and the correct syntax

No, not the case, the HKLM does not have the list, I did find this article which I thought would do the trick, unfortunately it didn't! maybe I did something wrong or misunderstood the article!

Let me be more precise, I want to add the IP address of a server to the bypass proxy list in IE at installation time (trying to fool proof something). I have had no success with this. For now lets assume that privileges is not an issue since my installer checks for this.

Does anyone have any suggestion on how else I can tell my browser that a particular IP belongs to our network? Maybe some way to add it to the "Local Intranet" option in IE?

surprisingly i seems to be a per-user setting. I found this entry in a .reg file shipped with a new windows 2003 server

Maybe it helps you

[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Internet Settings\ZoneMap\EscDomains\\www]