Archive: output files altered by language selection

output files altered by language selection

I'm sorry to bug you all with this new topic, but I am a newbie and I didn't quite understand the other posts about this.

The problem I have is that I need to split my installer according to the language selected by the user during .oninit.
I am using:

Function .onInit



After the language is selected by the user I need to have different sections for each language selection. The problem I have is that I do not know how to recognize the language the user has selected, so that it will point to a section or another. Thanks a lot for the help.

you can query the $LANGUAGE variable

Thanks for the quick reply. any help on how I could do that, because I didn't get much from that link (I read it over and over again before, thanks... )

What is it mean

After the language is selected by the user I need to have different sections for each language selection.
Is you want different sections names or other?

What I mean is that when a language is selected, my program will install different files. Each language has something different, so I can't install the whole package, I need the option in the installer...

You can use in section:

StrCmp $LANGUAGE 1033 0 ruslang
... install some english files ....
StrCmp $LANGUAGE 1049 0 germanlang
... install some russian files ....
StrCmp $LANGUAGE 1031 0 otherlang
... install some german files ....

All languages ID you can find using MakeLangID-tool or in language files.

Thanks a lot. It helped me, and it now works.

Make sure you put some Goto's in there so it doesn't go through the whole StrCmp group:

StrCmp $LANGUAGE 1033 0 ruslang
... install some english files ....
Goto End
StrCmp $LANGUAGE 1049 0 germanlang
... install some russian files ....
Goto End
StrCmp $LANGUAGE 1031 0 otherlang
... install some german files ....
Goto End



Or simply use the LogicLib:

!include LogicLib.nsh
${Switch} $LANGUAGE
File en.txt
${Case} ${LANG_FRENCH}
File fr.txt
${Case} ${LANG_HEBREW}
File he.txt

Thanks, I think I'll write the whole thing again. :)

Hey, I have one more question.

My installer uses in .onInit some message boxes. How can I alter them using the language selection? I already used langstring and added a message for each language, but it won't display in .onInit.


Originally posted by cri_ned
I already used langstring and added a message for each language, but it won't display in .onInit.
Messageboxes didn't display or they displayed but with not correct language?

Messageboxes are displayed, but are in the default language, in English. I wondered if I could change that. I tried adding a section, but the message box did not display...

This problem was discussed. In .onInit you can compare $LANGUAGE with language id.
Try this and this links.
And try to search for forum with "MessageBox" and "multilanguage" or ".onInit" for more examples.

Could someone please help me on how to use this piece of code for my situation? I need to choose the language from the command line, but I don't quite get how to use the code.

; GetParameters
; input, none
; output, top of stack (replaces, with e.g. whatever)
; modifies no other variables.

Function GetParameters

Push $R0
Push $R1
Push $R2
Push $R3

StrCpy $R2 1

;Check for quote or space
StrCpy $R0 $CMDLINE $R2
StrCmp $R0 '"' 0 +3
StrCpy $R1 '"'
Goto loop
StrCpy $R1 " "

IntOp $R2 $R2 + 1
StrCpy $R0 $CMDLINE 1 $R2
StrCmp $R0 $R1 get
StrCmp $R2 $R3 get
Goto loop

IntOp $R2 $R2 + 1
StrCpy $R0 $CMDLINE 1 $R2
StrCmp $R0 " " get
StrCpy $R0 $CMDLINE "" $R2

Pop $R3
Pop $R2
Pop $R1
Exch $R0


Put in .onInit

Call GetParameters
Pop $R0
${Switch} $R0
${Case} "english"
StrCpy $Language ${LANG_ENGLISH}
${Case} "french"
StrCpy $Language ${LANG_FRENCH}

Add ${Case} "..." for other languages.
Command line must be
outfile.exe language

Thanks glory. Should I leave the getparams function like that, or do I have to make it look like the piece of code you sent me? I'm sorry to bug you, but I'm quite a noob... :confused:

As i understand - this is function from NSIS docs. So put function's code into your script and include my code into .onInit function. Don't forget

include LogicLib.nsh
if it is not present.

Small typo: !include LogicLib.nsh


Hi, thanks to all for the replies. Now I'm facing a different problem. It will only install in English, and it won't write the registry key for the language.

I use this code:

StrCmp $LANGUAGE 1033 0 ruslang
... install some english files ....
Goto End
StrCmp $LANGUAGE 1049 0 germanlang
... install some russian files ....
Goto End
StrCmp $LANGUAGE 1031 0 otherlang
... install some german files ....
Goto End


, from Stu (thanks btw)

Also, in order to write the reg key for the uninstaller I use:

!define MUI_LANGDLL_REGISTRY_KEY "something..."
!define MUI_LANGDLL_REGISTRY_VALUENAME "Installer Language"

The code for the command line selection is:

Call GetParameters

Pop $R0
${Switch} $R0

${Case} "en"
StrCpy $Language ${LANG_ENGLISH}

${Case} "fr"
StrCpy $Language ${LANG_FRENCH}

and some other languages, written just the same way

in other words, I'm stuck again.

Ps, I did !include LogicLib.nsh

Ok, it now works. I wasn't waiting for the installer to do what it was supposed to.

The only problem I've got left is with the registry. It won't write the language in which it is installed, and when uninstalling it will ask for a selection...

Is it possible to also add a rule in which case if there is no parameter, the default value would be to install in English? Because at this point if I use no parameter it will install in the default windows language... and I don't want it to act like this.... Thanks.

Instead this rule

 ${Case} "en"
StrCpy $Language ${LANG_ENGLISH}

you can use

StrCpy $Language ${LANG_ENGLISH}

Call GetParamaters
Pop $R0
StrCmp $R0

As for the registry, there's Modern UI Examples which do this for you.


Hi, thanks for the quick help.

The problem with the uninstall is that if I leave !insertmacro MUI_UNGETLANGUAGE it will use the default windows language. If I comment it, it will ask for the language it should display. I cannot get it to write in the registry the language key, as explained in the Modern UI examples...


Maybe you do not save them during installation.

I already have

!define MUI_LANGDLL_REGISTRY_KEY "the software location..."
!define MUI_LANGDLL_REGISTRY_VALUENAME "Installer Language"

The problem is it doesn't save them... does it matter if this code is before the get params function?

These defines should be set before inserting the installation page macro.

Yup, it's before. And it still doesn't write it in the registry... Could it be because of the fact that I'm choosing the language with this code?

Call GetParameters

Pop $R0
${Switch} $R0

${Case} "en"
StrCpy $Language ${LANG_ENGLISH}

${Case} "fr"
StrCpy $Language ${LANG_FRENCH}

and some other languages, written just the same way

Could you write a cut down script which causes this problem?


Try to change ${Case} "en" -> ${Default}.

Well I have the begining of the script, with some dfines, including some variables of my own, for when specific situations occur, like:

!define AFFILIATE_STRING "something..."

(I am not always using all the languages)


after this I have:

!define MUI_LANGDLL_REGISTRY_KEY "something..."
!define MUI_LANGDLL_REGISTRY_VALUENAME "Installer Language"

After that are the name and all, and the get params as seen here, as long with the on init part of getparams:

in oninit I have this:

Call GetParameters

Pop $R0
${Switch} $R0

StrCpy $Language ${LANG_ENGLISH}

${Case} "/fr"
StrCpy $Language ${LANG_FRENCH}

${Case} "/de"
StrCpy $Language ${LANG_GERMAN}

${Case} "/es"
StrCpy $Language ${LANG_SPANISH}

${Case} "/nl"
StrCpy $Language ${LANG_DUTCH}

${Case} "/dk"
StrCpy $Language ${LANG_DANISH}

${Case} "/se"
StrCpy $Language ${LANG_SWEDISH}



The install part works ok, I don't have any errors or anything. The problem is with the uninstall.

in un.oninit I have this as the first line:


If left like this, it will ask to pick the language. If commented, it will use the default windows language, not the one picked for the install.

That is where I have the problem...

Thanks a lot for the help.


Me again :)

any ideea, or is it something like a bug?

I still haven't found out why it doesn't write the registry key.


Can you attach whole script?


I'm sorry I didn't put the script. I have to make a shorter version of it. Just to let you know, I found a fix for the problem by working around it, and reading a different registry key that my program allready put there, in order to know the language. I used this code:

ReadRegStr $0 HKCU Software\... "Language"

${If} $0 S== "en"

${If} $0 S== "fr"

${If} $0 S== "se"

${If} $0 S== "de"
StrCpy $Language ${LANG_GERMAN}

${If} $0 S== "es"
StrCpy $Language ${LANG_SPANISH}

${If} $0 S== "nl"
StrCpy $Language ${LANG_DUTCH}

${If} $0 S== "dk"
StrCpy $Language ${LANG_DANISH}

${If} $0 S== "it"
StrCpy $Language ${LANG_ITALIAN}

and the uninstaller works in what language I need. I'll put the shorter script later this week, in order to let you guys check if it is a bug or something because of me. :)


Simple comment.
Instead combination ${Else} ${If} you can use ${ElseIf} and close it with one ${EndIf}.

Hi all,

I have a new problem. I use a page that is from an ini. It has some text, which I need to be able to display according to the language of the installer. Is there a way to use those pages in a similar manner to this:

LicenseLangString license ${LANG_ITALIAN} "D:\...\license.txt" ?

Thanks a lot for the help guys. I don't know where my installer would be without you. :)

You need to write the language string to the INI file on run-time with WriteINIStr:

WriteINIStr "$PLUGINSDIR\ioFile.ini" "Field #" "Text" "$(license)"


Multilingual example in Moreinfo

Multilingual example in Moreinfo plugin. Multi language in an easy extensible way in one of the demos. Will solve a lot of multilanguage language problems.
The "CustomLanguageDemo" Fully shows the power of getting the OS GUI language. I the demo a good example of how custompage localization works and could be implemented.

See the Wikipage

Or take a look in:

Just try the "CustomLanguageDemo" demo included.