Archive: $EXEDIR Not Working?

$EXEDIR Not Working?
Hi All.

I have:

Section Uninstall

IfFileExists "$EXEDIR\silly.txt" SillyTxtFound
MessageBox MB_OK|MB_ICONSTOP "Silly.txt not found!$\r$\n \
Uninstallation cannot proceed!"
Yet when I run the uninstaller in either Win98 or Win2k, I always get the error message that Silly.txt cannot be found.

Silly.txt and the uninstaller.exe are in the same directory.

What am I doing wrong?



BTW, if I

Messagebox MB_OK "Exedir is $EXEDIR"
I get

"Exedir is C:\WINDOWS\TEMP"

(Win98, similar in Win2k)


OK, I see that in this thread,

the uninstaller copies itself to the temp dir, execs the exe in temp and exits (so it can delete itself). u can manually copy the uninst.exe to temp then exec it with a special command line argument ( "uninst.exe _?=$instdir" if i remember correctly)
I understand why that is useful. Couldn't find a mention of that in the help file, though.

But how do I get the uninstaller to automatically read a file that is located in the same directory as the uninstaller .exe?



I have a situation where I do a similar thing. In my instance the file I want to read is in the same folder as my uninstaller which is also the install directory. So, instead of $EXEDIR I use $INSTDIR.

$INSTDIR is the location of the original uninstaller.

But isn't $INSTDIR a compile-time setting?

Namely, if $INSTDIR is initialized to C:\MyDir in the script but the user installs to d:\OtherDir instead, then $INSTDIR still points to C:\MyDir, right?


$INSTDIR is a dynamic variable, not a constant. It changes to whatever value was put on the directory page.
You can set the value of $INSTDIR with any assignment commands such as ReadRegStr or StrCpy.
