Archive: CopyFiles vs ProgressBar

CopyFiles vs ProgressBar
I want to create an installer, wich allows to leave some files on the media (CD).
To do it, I simply copy optional files near the 'setup.exe'
(*****, Video\*.avi) and copy them via CopyFiles command.


While using non-silent mode, additional dialog appears and bothers USER (but shows copy progress!)
In silent mode, on the contrary, there is no any dialog, but the copy progress also stops somewhere (*****. at 100%)
USER might think, that installer is dead and try to kill application, interrupting copy process.

How do I use the same copy indicator for optional files?
It's the same for me whether the percentage will continue to grow (*****. 1%-80% normal intall progress, 81%-100% additional files)
or it will reset to zero, change caption to something like "copying video files" and show the actual copy progress.

Thaks in advance.

To hide the CopyFiles dialog, use the /SILENT switch.