Archive: Need help with MessageBox

Need help with MessageBox
Please help me with such problem.
At the beginning I used it:
MessageBox MB_YESNO|MB_ICONQUESTION "Bla... bla... bla..." IDNO Done IDYES Kill

Now I want to use System.dll plugin for this action, but I don't know what equivalent for "IDNO Done IDYES Kill" is available. My new code is.

System::Call 'user32::MessageBox(i $HWNDPARENT, t "Bla... bla... bla...", t "Title", i 52)'

That does not suffice?

You should want something like this:

System::Call 'User32::MessageBox(i $HWNDPARENT, t "Hi there", t "Teh title", i 64) i .r1'

Now $1 should have the integer ID of the button pressed :)

No more questions. Thanks Joel.