Archive: Required space depends on File System

Required space depends on File System
As we know, when there are a large number of small files, the required (I mean, actually occupied) space will be much different for different file systems. The following is my case with 34,498 files:

real size: 574,837,643 bytes
occupied size in a NTFS drive: 659,107,840 bytes
occupied size in a FAT32 drive: 1,005,731,840 bytes
occupied size in a FAT16 drive: not available for me, but should be even larger than 1,005,731,840 bytes

Since the occupied spaces are so different, I want to show the size of required space in my NSIS installer in a correct way. Is there a way to do so?

BTW, I noticed that this problem is seldom focused for almost all installers, though it is actually very important for many large installers.

It's better to use this only if you want to show the real size, not the size that will be on disk:

  1. To make the size not to be detected by NSIS, put "File" commands inside functions, and call them to the respective sections of files.
  2. To increase the size of a section, just use "AddSize" instruction with the desired value in KBs. (I think this is funny: if you put a negative value, the required size goes up to 4095.5GB! Would be also better if there had the conversion of 1024 gigabytes into 1 terabyte.)

The problem is that I have to frequently invoke SectionSetSize command to change the size of each section when the user change $INSTDIR (by judging the file system of the target drive). If there is an automatical way to do so, it will be perfect.