Archive: problem in creating shortcut

problem in creating shortcut
Our project has the following directory structure.

|__ bin
|__ …
|__ …
|__ …

I created a shortcut to uninstall.exe present in ProjectName folder on Desktop. It is working fine. Similarly I tried to create a shortcut to StartServer.bat in bin directory.
It didn’t work.
I manually created a shortcut to StartServer.bat on the Desktop, its working. I found the difference between the shortcut created manually and that created by NSIS script.
If you see the properties of the two shortcuts, in the former case the “start in” field in properties was pointing to “ProjectName/bin” and the latter was pointing to “ProjectName”. I changed the “start in” field in the latter case to ProjectName/bin, it started working fine. Does any one know work around for this problem?

Here is the code I have used to create shortcut.
CreateShortCut "$DESKTOP\StartProject.lnk" "$INSTDIR\bin\StartServer.bat" "" "$INSTDIR\bin\StartServer.bat" 0

I am using NSIS206.

Use SetOutPath "$INSTDIR\bin" first.


Problem in creating shortcut
Thank you...
Its working fine now.