Archive: CRCcheck problem

CRCcheck problem
I made a large installer (~200MB).

The SAME EXE on the hard drive (not cd!) sometimes passes the crc check and sometimes not.

I played around with it and couldn't find a pattern.

Maybe it happens if I open the installer,cancel it and reopen again.

But it happened also after I run it first thing after reboot.

If it happened once then it usually happens several times again.

Is it a bug? (or windows stores something in its cache)

Not sure if this is the problem, but try downloading the none solid build of NSIS. Simply unzip this file, and replace your current (backup your current first) makensis.exe file, then re-compile your installer.

Hope this helps.

It Happened also with no compression and with zlib compression which isn't a solid compression.

It could be the result of a virus or hardware failure. Try it on another system.

I ran full system scan against viruses - no problems.

I ran the installer on another system (Windows 98 VMWare emulated) - no change, the strange behavior was the same as before, some times works and some times not.