Archive: Delete Folder if it Starts with

Delete Folder if it Starts with
I need Something that will only Delete a
Folder if it Starts with Certain Characters.

Name a Folder:

Specify that the Folder that Starts with
the text "FolderName" Gets Deleted and
the whole Folder Gets Deleted.

This would also Help me do more than one.

(FolderName VersionNumber)

All Folders Get Deleted !!!


Search for directories "FolderName*" in "C:\ftp" with subdirectories and delete founded (with MessageBox).

Name "Output"
OutFile "Output.exe"

!include "FileFunc.nsh"
!insertmacro Locate

${Locate} "C:\ftp" "/L=D /M=FolderName* /G=1" "LocateCallback"

IfErrors 0 +2
MessageBox MB_OK "Error"

Function LocateCallback
MessageBox MB_YESNOCANCEL 'Delete "$R9"?' IDNO end IDCANCEL cancel
RMDir /r '$R9'
goto end

StrCpy $0 StopLocate

Push $0

Awesome !!! Thanks Instructor !!!!!

Works great with Folders. Is There something for Files Also?


See "Locate" syntax. For files /L=F, for empty directories /L=DE ...

Thanks Instructor !!!!

That Works Great with Files...

My Next Question was going to be to ask for the
Documentation to Learn More, but.... I suddenly
had the Whim to Click that link on your Signature.

Gave me This Page.
Instructor's "functions"

I Then Found all I needed to know from this Link.

Thanks !!!!
