Archive: toggle section read only status?

toggle section read only status?
I would like to use the isUserAdmin function ( to toggle the read only status of a section or, alternatively, to hide the section altogether if the user does not have admin privileges.

Is such a thing possible?


Use SectionIn RO inside section to install read-only attrib, if user does not have privileges.

Call IsUserAdmin
Pop $R0
StrCmp $R0 "true" ok 0
SectionIn RO
.. other actions ..

Or use SectionSetFlags.
the fifth bit represents whether the section is read-only,
To hide section change the description using SectionSetText.

Perfect. Just for info, here's the code.

Many thanks,

Or you can just change the Section's text with SectionSetText
If you set its name to nothing "" or "-blah" it will become hidden.
