Archive: Extract and execute file before installing all files

Extract and execute file before installing all files
I have an executable that validates user information on a Custom Page I created via 'Install Options'. I would like to include this file in the setup and extract and use it prior to extracting all of the program files.

For example, user enters license key, I want to extract a program that validates this license key and make sure that the license is valid, BEFORE continuing and extracting all of the program files.

Is this possible or do I just need to send both setup.exe and this executable?

I thought that I may be able to do this in the callback function for the custom page I wrote:

Function LicensePageLeave
File /oname="$TEMP\AXLicenseCheck.exe" "..\AXLicenseCheck\Release\AXLicenseCheck.exe"
!insertmacro MUI_INSTALLOPTIONS_READ $PASSWORD_INI_VALUE "Password.ini" "Field 1" "State"
ExecWait '"$TEMP\AXLicenseCheck" $PASSWORD_INI_VALUE' $0

BUT this does not appear to extract the file.

any thoughts?


I figured this out. I was not setting an 'SetOutPath' prior to my File command...