Archive: Modern UI and Links at finish page help

Modern UI and Links at finish page help
Hello all

As mentioned in title I am using the Modern UI and have been able to successfully get 1 link to work. I would like to add a second link to the same finish page but can't figure out how. Here is what I have so far to get the first one to work:

!define MUI_FINISHPAGE_LINK "Home page"

This then shows up as a checkbox on the 'All Finished Installing' screen as an option below 'Lauch Program'. I would like to add another link that leads to my forums.

TIA for any help.

over 2 months, 101 views and no one knows how to do this? =(

I suppose you could try "". I think the space will be accepted as a space between two links (not sure). I haven't tried this but it might work.

You'll have to modify the InstallOptions file. It's a bit similar to this topic:

Thanks for the replies.

Is there a way to do it in NSIS 2.0b? The link you pasted seems to only be for 2.08 and I tried installing it, and ended up having to basically rewrite my entire installer, and gave up because I have to re-learn everything I already fought with the first time around. ;)

By the looks of this, 'it' probably means NSIS. NSIS went through some major chages during the development of 2.0. I suggest you upgrade to 2.08 via nightly build here (as the one on the nsis site has a bug - RMDir won't delete $INSTDIR).

Sorry, it is possible but the function is called before the dialog is initialised which means we can't set the background colour of the link to white. When you call init_dialog, the handle of the dialog is pushed onto the stack. init_dialog is called after the pre function in MUI so there is nothing I can do for now.

I would like Joost to move the pre function to just before the dialog is shown so we can set the colours manually if we want to. The dialog handle MUI_HWND would be useful for setting the colours.

I would like Joost to move the pre function to just before the dialog is shown so we can set the colours manually if we want to. The dialog handle MUI_HWND would be useful for setting the colours.
